Billy Paul - Sooner or Later Lyrics

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Artist: Billy Paul
Song Title: Sooner or Later
Visits: 861
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Sooner Or Later
Billy Paul
(S. Marshall/V. Gray)

Sooner or later you're gonna come around
You think about this love, you turn it down
Sooner or later you got to settle down
You think about this love, you turn it down

Sooner or later

Hey, girl, tell me why
You keep me at a distance all the time
We can touch the sky
If you would only let your heart be your guide

No, girl, you can't say it doesn't matter
We both know it isn't true
If we could get together
Then you'll see
I'm the one who loves you
I'm the one who needs you

Sooner or later you got to come around
You think about this love that you're turnin' down
Sooner or later you got to settle down
You think about this love that you're turnin' down
Sooner or later

Let mine be the arms
That you run to when you need someone
If you trust in me
You'll see the love I offers guarantee

No, girl, you can't say it doesn't matter
We both know it isn't true
If we could get together
Then you'll see
I'm the one who loves you
I'm the one who needs you

Sooner or later you got to come around
You think about this love that you're turnin' down
Sooner or later you got to settle down
You think about this love that you're turnin' down
Sooner or later
Sooner or later

No, girl, you can't say it doesn't matter
We both know it isn't true
If we could get together
Then you'll see
I'm the one who loves you
I'm the one who needs you

Sooner or later you got to come around
You think about the love, think about the love you been turnin' down
Sooner or later you got to settle down
And think about the love, think about the love you been turnin' down
Sooner or later

[Sooner or later] We got to get together
[Sooner or later] It really doesn't matter
[Sooner or later] You got to put your trust in me
[Sooner or later] This love gives you guarantee
[Sooner or later]

[Sooner or later] I'm gonna turn your head around
[Sooner or later] Once I get you our love will be sound
[Sooner or later] You got to make me your man
[Sooner you later] I'm gonna hook you up and buy you some land

[Sooner or later] The deed will be yours
[Sooner or later] We'll keep this land and close the doors
[Sooner or later] You got to settle down
[Sooner or later] I'm givin' you all this if and if this don't turn your
head around

[Sooner or later] Baby, put your trust in me
[Sooner or later] Give me some love, give me some love, give me some
love, I got the guarantee
[Sooner or later] Oh, if you love me, babe
[Sooner or later] Oh, I'm buyin' you a house, baby

[Sooner or later] Oh, I'm givin' you keys, baby
[Sooner or later] Oh, I'm closin' the door, baby
[Sooner or later] Oh, got to, got to, got to, got to, got to, got to,
got to, got to turn your head around
[Sooner or later] Oh, oh, oh

[Sooner or later] Got to, got to, got to, got to, got to, got to, got
to, try to
[Sooner or later] This love, love, love, love, love


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