Boingo Oingo - Fill The Void Lyrics

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Artist: Boingo Oingo
Boingo Oingo Author
Song Title: Fill The Void
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 760
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Once there was a man who decided he knew everything
Once there was a book that he threw in my face
Once there was an angry mob that marched
Up and down the street
Don't ya know they all called my name
What do they want from me?

What do they want from me?
What do they want from me?
What do they want from a poor boy who
Can't believe
They want to fill the void
They want to fill the empty spaces
But I won't let them consume me
With the rest of the lifeless faces

Once there was a little girl
who thought that she was a queen
And she thought the world was a playground
filled with sand
So with all her friends she created a fantasy
They all come to me with their demands
What do they want from me?


Every little thing is a piece of a larger thing
Every little fish is a tyrant of the sea
Every little atom is a master of his family
Every single piece calls my name
What do they want from me?


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Other Boingo Oingo song Lyrics
  • Home Again
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    she's got such sweet eyes - look like they've seen too much
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  • Where Do All My Friends Go
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    When parents aren't behind the door..."
  • Elevator Man
    "Who's goin down
    Who's goin down - who's goin down
    I ride my elevator
    Through the shafts of your heart..."
  • We Close Our Eyes
    "We close our eyes
    We close our eyes and dream and the world has turned around again
    When everybody is running in the big race
    And having a good time..."
  • My Life
    "I would really like to know you better
    But sometimes I'm afraid that it's not meant to be
    I would like to believe in something higher
    But I can't get a grip on all the little things..."
  • Outrageous
    "My situation never changes - or very little
    My little world -- my little world--is due for a shakeup
    Or a shakedown would be acceptable
    And I can't understand--can't understand..."
  • Pain
    "Welcome to my little world...completely self-contained, yeah
    If life is a reflecting pool--then we are like a sponge, yeah
    Absorbing the good with the bad--we soak up...soak it up
    So give me all your troubled thoughts..."
  • Insanity
    "I'm so sorry, please forgive me
    Who do i pray to to straighten out this problem?
    Straighten out this problem, straighten out my mind.
    Straighten out this crooked toungue......"
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Good For Your Soul" album, click "Boingo Oingo Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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