Boingo Oingo - Goodbye-Goodbye Lyrics

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Artist: Boingo Oingo
Boingo Oingo Author
Song Title: Goodbye-Goodbye
Visits: 781
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I'm still not certain about some of the lyrics here -- can someone
fill in the parts marked with ??, or correct other minor mistakes?]

Oh, I know something
About the ways of loving
And I tell you, baby,
That something's wrong
(That something's wrong)
Look to the sky above
The mud below....

Something's driving me crazy
I gotta, just got to get away
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

wi twith our mud dout ??
when you are burnt out (uh, huh)
kept you fallin on the edge... for far too long
oh, i give you
something so low

Something's driving me crazy
I gotta, just got to get away
Goodbye, goodbye,
goodbye, goodbye,
goodbye, goodbye,

[instrumental section]

I need you
Just the time you give me
makes me feel so bad

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

Goodbye, goodbye

[ The words in parentheses are the chorus' echo of the singer ]

I can't believe
(I can't believe)

I'm still around
(I'm still around)

It's getting kinda late
('s getting kinda late)

I'm gonna leave
(Gonna leave)

For a change of scenery
(Change of scenery)

I'm going crazy
(Going crazy)

It's not the same
('s not the same)

Since you've been around
(Since you've been around)

I'm crazy
(I'm crazy)

So crazy
(So crazy)

You treat me like a dirty clown
(You treat me like a dirty clown)

You're always kickin' my dog around
(Always kickin' my dog around)

I never get nothin' but constant abuse from you
(Never get nothin' but constant abuse from you)

You couldn't care less what I think, or my point of view
(No way.)

[Now listen carefully, and take a deep breath...]

You're always puttin' the make on my friends
always giving them eyes and the dirty lies
driving you without peace to the end of the line ??
here babe is a ticket oneway Cincinnati,
I'm sendin' you home to your ma and daddy, so
don't you call, you'll only be wastin' your tiiiiiime!

[ wild yells of "yeah" ]

Oh, I know something
About the ways of loving.
And I tell you, baby, baby, baby, baby
That something's wrong
Look to the sky above
The mud below....

Something's driving me crazy,
I gotta, just got to get away
I need you, but
just the time that you give me

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

Goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbye

Goodbye-bye, goodbye-bye, goodbye-bye, goodbye-bye
Goodbye-bye, goodbye-bye, goodbye-bye, goodbye-bye

Goodbyebye-byebye-byebye-byebye, goodbyebye-byebye-byebye-byebye

g'byebye, bye, bye, bye byebye

goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbyeee
goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbyeee

goodbye (bye-bye)
goodbye (bye-bye)

Goodbye-Goodbye Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Boingo Oingo song Lyrics
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  • Elevator Man
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    Who's goin down - who's goin down
    I ride my elevator
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  • We Close Our Eyes
    "We close our eyes
    We close our eyes and dream and the world has turned around again
    When everybody is running in the big race
    And having a good time..."
  • My Life
    "I would really like to know you better
    But sometimes I'm afraid that it's not meant to be
    I would like to believe in something higher
    But I can't get a grip on all the little things..."
  • Outrageous
    "My situation never changes - or very little
    My little world -- my little world--is due for a shakeup
    Or a shakedown would be acceptable
    And I can't understand--can't understand..."
  • Pain
    "Welcome to my little world...completely self-contained, yeah
    If life is a reflecting pool--then we are like a sponge, yeah
    Absorbing the good with the bad--we soak up...soak it up
    So give me all your troubled thoughts..."
  • Insanity
    "I'm so sorry, please forgive me
    Who do i pray to to straighten out this problem?
    Straighten out this problem, straighten out my mind.
    Straighten out this crooked toungue......"

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