Boney M - He Was a Steppenwolf Lyrics

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Artist: Boney M
Boney M Author
Album: Nightflight To Venus (1978)
Boney M - Nightflight To Venus Album
Song Title: He Was a Steppenwolf
Genre: Dance
Visits: 1062
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Come on and listen to my tale
It's strange and sorry tale
That's gonna rock you
About a man, the drifting kind
Let the story now unwind
It's gonna shock you
Some people said he was a ghost
Wouldn't wanna be his host
Or just to meet him
And if he ever came their way
They'd be stick and stones, I'd say
That would grieve him

He was a Steppenwolf, a lost and lonely one
He was a Steppenwolf, forever on the run
He was a Steppenwolf, with a forgotten past
He was a Steppenwolf, who found a love at last
He was a Steppenwolf

The girl he met was out-of-sight
Though she walked the streets at night
He didn't mind it
She seemed as happy as a song
And if anything was wrong
He didn't find it
They used to laugh and dance and drink
And not ever did he think of a payday
No matter where they ever were
Every day he spent with her was a hey-day

He was a Steppenwolf, and not a handsome man
He was a Steppenwolf, who didn't know her plan
He was a Steppenwolf, not very bright at all
He was a Steppenwolf, just riding for a fall
He was a Steppenwolf

One day she said "It's time you knew
That I started up with you
For just one reason
You're gonna do just what I want
'cause there's something that I want
And I ain't teasing
My life is empty all around
Nothing that I ever found
Would fulfill me
So for a while I'll be with you
When I say that we're through
You must kill me!"

He was a Steppenwolf, He cried "It isn't fair"
He was a Steppenwolf, "You know how much I care"
He was a Steppenwolf, She said "This is the deal"
He was a Steppenwolf, He saw this was for real
He was a Steppenwolf

He was a Steppenwolf, they spent a long last night
He was a Steppenwolf, and with a smile she died
He was a Steppenwolf, a lost and lonely one
He was a Steppenwolf, forever on the run
He was a Steppenwolf

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