Bouche, La - Sweet Little Persuader Lyrics
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Bouche, La Singer Lyrics
Sweet Little Persuader Song Lyrics
Bouche, La
Song Title:
Sweet Little Persuader
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Sweet sweet little persuader
Sweet sweet little persuader
Sweet sweet little persuader
You're a sly one on the run, stealing every heart that you see.
I was a easy mark in the dark, you took my heart from right under me, yeh.
My hands were tied, I couldn't fight, you stole my soul in the heat of the night.
Now baby here I am in your hands, I'll do anything that you say, yeh.
And when the light goes down, you know how, just to how get your way.
You've got my heart, my heart on a string, got what it takes to take everything.
And with just one little smile you know there's nothing I won't do, won't do for you.
And when you look in my eyes you know that I'm just a helpless fool, just a fool for you.
Your eyes hypnotise, lock me in the spell of your love,
I'm a prisoner to your every move, baby I'm chained to your touch.
My world is yours, my hearts on it's knees, you can drive the car baby, you've got the keys.
And with just one little smile, you know there's nothing I won't do, won't do for you.
And when you look in my eyes you know that I'm just a helpless fool, just a fool for you.
Sweet little persuader, where did you learn to do the things that you do.
Little persuader, you didn't have to persuade me to fall in love with you.
Sweet Little Persuader Lyrics
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Other Bouche, La song Lyrics
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Wanna Be My Lover
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You oughta know by know if you wanna be my lover..."
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Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are taking over
Sweet dreams of dancing through the night..."
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Remember me
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I'm fallin' in love again
Everyday I love you more and more
I could never see..."
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Where do you go
I want to know my lovely
I want to know I want to know I want to know I want to know..."
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But if you allow me I'll prove you wrong
Don't be afraid of the love you have for me,
Let me bear, and let things happen, we each have the chance..."
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But when your sleeping, you don't reach out to hold me tight
I'm a fool for those things like you still need me
Do you still love me, is it love anyway..."
I Love To Love
"I love to love
I love to love you
So much I want to share in you
Oh Oh Oh....."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Moment Of Love" album, click "
Bouche, La Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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