Boys Beach - Hully Gully Lyrics

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Artist: Boys Beach
Song Title: Hully Gully
Visits: 752
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hully gully

(that, that's good.)
(one, i wanna sing along--you know why? you're missing part of it.)
(that pays off, ah, p.o.g.)
(we'll have greenwich village *snap* just like that.)

(play it like it is, carl!
Pick it up from the third!)


Well, there's a dance spreadin' round like an awful disease
Hully, hully gully
You just shake your shoulders and you wiggle your knees
(play it like it is!)
Hully, hully gully

Well, there's a dance spreadin' (*laugh*) round from coast to coast
Hully, hully gully
Well, when me and my baby do it, that's how we do it the most
Hully, hully gully

Mama hully gully
Papa hully gully
Baby hully gully, too

Well, i went to a party now and what did they do?
Hully, hully gully
Well now everybody's doing it son, so why ain't you on their way too
Hully, hully gully

Everybody's lookin' like they got the shakes
Hully, hully gully
You just wiggle your shoulders, man, that's all it takes
Hully, hully gully

Mama hully gully
Papa hully gully
Baby hully gully, too

(let's tear 'em down!)

Hully, hully gully
Do it with your left shoulder
Hully, hully gully
Do it with your other shoulder, now
Hully, hully gully
Switch your blades
Hully, hully gully

Mama hully gully
Papa hully gully
Baby hully gully too

(how about "me and my girl"?)

Mama hully gully
Papa hully gully
You can hully gully too

(*loud slap*)
(that's all [...])
(what do you know?)
(before we bring on the star of our show this evening...)
(what else do you know?)
(uh, he knows...)

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