Brightman Sarah - Figlio Perduto Lyrics
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Brightman Sarah Singer Lyrics
Figlio Perduto Song Lyrics
Brightman Sarah
La Luna (2000)
Song Title:
Figlio Perduto
Classical: Neo-Classical
Print Version
Muri die vento
Notte ? scesa
Padre e figlio sono insiem
Con un cavallo
Vanno avanti
In questa grande oscurit?
Ma ad un tratto
Il bimbo trema
Dalla paura
Freddo si fa
Padre oh padre
Tu non hai visto
Re degli elfi
Eccolo la
Figlio perduto,
Vuoi far un gioco?
Gioia ti porto
Vieni con me
Padre oh padre
Hai gi? sentito
Cosa mi dice
E che vuol' far'?
Figlio perduto
Se tu non vieni
Io user? la forza che ho
Padre oh padre
Re degli elfi
Mi sta toccando
Male mi fa
E il bambino,
Con occhi chiusi
Lui non si muove
Perso ? gi?
Figlio perduto
Se tu non vieni
Io user? la mia forza
Padre oh padre
Re degli elfi
Mi sta toccando
Male mi fa
E il bambino,
Con occhi chiusi
Lui non si muove
Perso ? gi?
... perso ? gi?
Lost son
Walls of wind
Night has fallen
Father and son are together
With a horse
They proceed
Through this intense darkness
But suddenly
The boy trembles
With fear
It gets cold
Father oh father
Haven't you seen
The king of the elfs
There he is
Lost son
Do you want to play?
I bring you joy
Come with me
Father oh father
Did you hear
What he said
And what he will do?
Lost son
If you don't come with me
I will use the power that I have
Father oh father
The king of the elfs
Is touching me
He hurts me
And the boy
Eyes closed
He doesn't move
He's already lost
Lost son
If you don't come with me
I will use my power
Father oh father
The king of the elfs
Is touching me
He hurts me
And the boy
Eyes closed
He doesn't move
He's already lost
... he's already lost
Figlio Perduto Lyrics
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Other Brightman Sarah song Lyrics
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And I see a little bit of heaven in view
I face your disguise and
I See you running too..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "La Luna" album, click "
Brightman Sarah Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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