Brightman Sarah - Only an Ocean Away Lyrics
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Brightman Sarah Singer Lyrics
Only an Ocean Away Song Lyrics
Brightman Sarah
Song Title:
Only an Ocean Away
Print Version
I see a shadow every day and night.
I walk a hundred streets of neon lights,
Only when I'm crying.
Can you hear me crying.
So many times you always wanted more,
Chasing illusions that you're longing for.
Wish I wasn't crying.
Can you hear me crying.
There's an ocean between us.
You know where to find me.
You reach out and touch me.
I feel you in my own heart.
More than a lifetime.
Still goes on forever.
But it helps to remember
You're only an ocean away.
Was there a moment when I felt no pain.
I want to feel it in my life again.
Let it be over now.
Oh Oh over now.
'Cause I remember all the days and nights
We used to walk the streets of neon lights
Oh I want you here with me.
Oh be here with me.
There's an ocean between us.
You know where to find me.
You reach out and touch me.
I feel you in my own heart.
More than a lifetime
Still goes on forever.
But it helps to remember
You're only an ocean away.
So many times you always wanted more,
Chasing illusions that you're longing for.
Wish I wasn't crying.
Can you hear me crying.
There's an ocean between us.
You know where to find me.
Just reach out and touch me.
I feel you in my own heart.
More than a lifetime
It seems like forever.
But I'll always remember
You're only an ocean away.
Only an ocean away
Only an Ocean Away Lyrics
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And I see a little bit of heaven in view
I face your disguise and
I See you running too..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Eden" album, click "
Brightman Sarah Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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