Brown Sam - Walking Back to Me Lyrics
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Brown Sam Singer Lyrics
Walking Back to Me Song Lyrics
Brown Sam
Stop (2004)
Song Title:
Walking Back to Me
Print Version
Slipping away 'til it's dim in the dark
the flame that was strong has become just a spark
but i'll wait for you
Now when we talk your eyes look away
the thing that we had has wandered astray
I'll wait for you
Further and further we're drifting apart
we knew this would happen right from start
but i'll wait for you
caught up in troubles that don't mean a thing
you're ready to fly for a prayer on a wing
but i'll wait for you
Say you were never in love with me
but i'll still wait for you
Oh it's just the way it's meant to be
you tell me no but in won't be long before you see
you're walking back to me
The road you are following it's a dead end
and who will be there when you need a real friend
I will wait
how are we gonna get back to the start
they're too close to home these matters of heart
Say you were never in love with me
but i'll still wait for you
Oh it's just the way it's meant to be
you tell me no but in won't be long before you see
you're walking back to me
you're walking back to me
Ducking and diving
sneaking and hiding
these worries
and these troubles
don't you know
they'll catch up with you
you're walking back
you're walking back to me
Oh it's just the way it's meant to be
you tell me no but in won't be long before you see
you're walking back to me
Walking Back to Me Lyrics
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Other Brown Sam song Lyrics
"All that I have is all that you've given me
did you never worry that I'd come to depend on you
I gave you all the love I had in me
now I find you've lied and I can't believe it's true..."
It Makes Me Wonder
"Been waiting for this train to come
could be an hour or maybe some
don't want to be here anymore
do you have any idea..."
This Feeling
"Take it all
I would willingly give you everything
this could fall
if you want it to..."
Piece of My Luck
"I saw a bit of silver shining in a puddle
I was gonna pick it up
but I didn't want to get my hands muddy
I saw you leap in..."
Wrap Me Up
"I don't remember
I can't recall the last time
we laughed together
you always say we'll be fine..."
Ill Be in Love
"If you need a reason to remain
think of me
how I tried to tell you
you were blind you would not see..."
Merry Go Round
"Bitten nails handfuls of hair
head in her hands sat on the stairs
bitter tears locked up inside
figting her heart figting her mind..."
Can I Get a Witness
"Listen everybody
especially you boys
it is right to be left alone
when the one you love is never home..."
...Show All
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Brown Sam Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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