Bryan Adams - Open Road Lyrics
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Bryan Adams Singer Lyrics
Open Road Song Lyrics
Bryan Adams
Room Service (2004)
Song Title:
Open Road
Rock: Pop-Rock
Print Version
I'm sitting at the wheel
I got a green light
I'm not afraid of nothing
cos heart and soul im built for life
so let the engines roar
push the pedal down
i want the white lines on my highway
to lead me out of town
I'm rolling on and on and on
who knows where i'm going
Life is an open road
its the best story never told
It's an endless sky, it's the deepest sea
life is an open road to me
life is an open road to me
i got headlights
to guide me thru the night
i got the window down and the radio playing
it makes me feel alive
I'm rollin on and on and on
who knows where im goin
life is an open road
it's the best story never told
it's an endless sky, it's the deepest sea
life is an open road to me
life is an open road to me
Open Road Lyrics
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Other Bryan Adams song Lyrics
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I come to this world
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Here i am , so young..."
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It calls me back home again
It sparks up the fire - a flame that still burns
Oh it's to you I'll always return..."
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You must be crazy
There ain't a single thing you've done
That's gonna phase me..."
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I had a dream - of the pale morning sky
I had a dream - that we flew on golden wings
And we were the same - just the same - you and I..."
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"I hear the wind across the plain
A sound so strong - that calls my name
It's wild like the river - it's warm like the sun
Ya it's here - this is where I belong..."
Nothing Ive Ever Known
"Right now I feel - just like a leaf on a breeze
Who know's where it's blowin'
Who knows where it's goin'
I find myself somewhere I - I never thought i'd be..."
18 Till I Die
"I wanna be young the rest of my life
never say no - try anything twice
til the angels come and ask me to fly
I'm gonna be 18 til I die - 18 til I die..."
How Do Ya Feel Tonight
"is there anybody out there?
anyone that's loved in vain
anyone that feels the same
is there anybody waiting?..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Room Service" album, click "
Bryan Adams Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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