Buju Banton - Untold Stories Lyrics
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Buju Banton Singer Lyrics
Untold Stories Song Lyrics
Buju Banton
'Til Shiloh (1995)
Song Title:
Untold Stories
Print Version
While I’m Living
Thanks I’ll Be Giving
To the Most High You know,
I am living while I am living to the father I will pray
Only he knows how we get through everyday
With all the hike in the price
Arm and leg we have to pay
While our leaders play
Verse 1:
All I see people a rip and a rob and a grab
Tief never love fe see tief wid long bag
No love for the people who a suffer real bad
Another toll to the poll may God help we soul
What is to stop the youths from get out of control
Full up of education yet no own no payroll
The clothes on my back have countless eyehole.
I could go on and on the full has never been told
Repeat Chorus
Verse 2:
Who can afford to run will run
But what about those who can’t…they will have to stay
Opportunity a scarce, scarce commodity
In these times I say… When mama spend her last and send you go class
Never you ever play
It’s a competitive world for low budget people,
Spending a dime while earning a nickel
With no regards to who it may tickle
My cup is full to the brim
I could go on and on the full has never been told
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3:
All I see people a rip and a rob and a grab
Tief never love fe see tief wid long bag
No love for the people who a suffer real bad
Another toll to the poll may God help we soul
What is to stop the youths from get out of control
Full up of education yet no own no payroll
The clothes on my back have countless eyehole
Could go on and on and the full has never been told
(On and On)
Though this life keep getting me down
Don’t give up now
Got to survive somehow
Could go on and on and the full has never been told
Repeat Chorus
Verse 4:
Who can afford to run will run
But what about those who can’t…they will have to stay
Opportunity a scarce, scarce commodity
In these times I say… When mama spend her last and send you go class
Never you ever play
It’s a competitive world for low budget people,
Spending a dime while earning a nickel
With no regards to who it may tickle
My cup is full to the brim
I could go on and on the full has never been told
I could go on and on the full has never been told
I could go on and on….
The full has never….
Untold Stories Lyrics
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What a piece of body gal
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Over hills and valleys too
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as a single parent life aint easy..."
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Lord give I strength
never let I fail
to live out the greater part of my days..."
...Show All
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Buju Banton Singer
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