Bush Kate - Get Out Of My House Lyrics
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Bush Kate Singer Lyrics
Get Out Of My House Song Lyrics
Bush Kate
The Dreaming (1982)
Song Title:
Get Out Of My House
Rock: Alternative
Print Version
When you left the door was (slamming)
You paused in the doorway
As though a thought stole you away
I watched the world pull you away
(lock it)
So I run into the hall
(lock it)
Into the corridor
There's a door in the house (slamming)
I hear the lift descending
I hear it hit the landing
See the hackles on the cat, standing
With my key I (lock it)
With my key I (lock it up)
With my key I (lock it)
With my key I (lock it up)
I am the concierge, chez-moi, honey
Won't letcha in for love or money
My home, my joy
I'm barred and bolted, and I
Won't letcha in
(Get out of my house)
No stranger's feet
Will enter me
I wash the panes
I clean the stains away
This house is as old as I am
This house knows all I have done
They come with their weather hanging around them
But can't knock my door down
With my key I (lock it)
With my key I (lock it)
This house is full of m-m-my mess
This house is full of m-m-mistakes
This house is full of m-m-madness
This house is full of, full of, full of fight
With my keeper I (clean up)
With my keeper I (clean it all up)
With my keeper I (clean up)
With my keeper I (clean it all up)
I am the concierge, chez-moi, honey
Won't letcha in for love or money
My home, my joy, I'm barred and bolted and I
Won't letcha in
Man: Woman, let me in
Let me bring in the memories
Woman, let me in
Let me bring in the Devil Dreams
Woman: I will not let you in
Don't you bring back the reveries
I turn into a bird
Carry further than the word is heard
Man: Woman, let me in
I turn into the wind
I blow you a cold kiss
Stronger than the song's hit
Woman: I will not let you in
I face towards the wind
I change into the mule
Both: "Hee-haw"
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Other Bush Kate song Lyrics
Wuthering Heights
"Out On the wiley, windy moors
We'd roll and fall in green
You had a temper, like my jealousy
Too hot, too greedy..."
"I still dream of Organon.
I wake up crying.
You're making rain
And you're just in reach..."
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"I hear him
before I go to sleep
and focus on the day
that's been...."
"Outside gets inside, Through her skin,
I've been out before
But this time it's much safer in.
Last night, in the sky,..."
"We're all alone on the stage tonight,
We've been told we're not afraid of you,
We know all our lines so well, ah-ha,
We've said them so many times,..."
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Running in the night
Afraid of what might be
Hiding in the dark..."
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"It doesn't hurt me
Do you want to feel how it feels
Do you want to know, know that it doesn't hurt me
Do you want to hear about the deal I'm making..."
Army Dreamers
"Our little Army Boy,
Is coming home from B.F.P.O.
I've a bunch of purple flowers
To decorate a mammy's hero...."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Dreaming" album, click "
Bush Kate Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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