C21 - Tell Me Why It Aint Easy Lyrics

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Artist: C21
Song Title: Tell Me Why It Aint Easy
Visits: 888
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Don't you know that I'm lost.
I took it for granted too long.
I've been trying now it's gone
How could we live on a lie.

I can see you wanna be strong.
Just let it go.
Don't you see somehow we were blind.

When I look in your eyes.
I don't know what's right.
But all we have is now.

Tell me why it ain't easy.
When you know that I still believe in you.
Just look around can't you see.
We just need to find a way to forgive.
So tell me why it ain't easy.
When you know.
You're the only one who lives in my heart.

I don't know if I'm wrong
I've been looking back
Maybe I'm not that strong
Enough to love you like that

I believe somehow in your heart you know.
I could never be the one who's letting you go.

When I look in your eyes.
I don't know what's right.
But all we have is now.

Tell me why it ain't easy.
When you know that I still believe in you.
Just look around can't you see.
We just need to find a way to forgive.
So tell me why it ain't easy.
When you know.
You're the only one who lives in my heart.

Why can't you see it doesn't matter how we get there.
We're just a second away from where we wanna be.
I still believe that you'll find the answer.
Just look around and I know you'll find the way.

Tell me why it ain't easy.
When you know that I still believe in you.
Just look around can't you see.
We just need to find a way to forgive.

So tell me why it ain't easy.
When you know that I still believe in you.
Just look around can't you see.
We just need to find a way to forgive.
So tell me why it ain't easy.
When you know.
You're the only one who lives in my heart.

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