C21 - You are the One Lyrics

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Artist: C21
Song Title: You are the One
Visits: 829
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Album: C21

If I could right those wrongs

Its early in the morning
soon another day will dawn
I cant wait to feel your arms
around me again

I believe that we could
lay down the world
together we could live
the dream that never ends

Open up the door
just a little more
baby let me in

You are the one, You are the one
who can make moments last forever
The one that makes the sun shine
where ever you go
why make it harder, than it has to be
just listen, Ill give you love
if youll give me your heart

Everytime I near you
time is standing still
theres nothing you cant fix
with your heavenly smile

I would never leave you
my love is for life
taking things for granded
was never my style

Just give a little love
say youll never stop
Ill do anything

You are the one, You are the one
who can make moments last forever
The one that makes the sun shine
where ever you go
why make it harder, than it has to be
just listen, Ill give you love
If youll give me your heart

And Ill do anything
if you give me your heart
ahh ahh yeah
Ill do anything

You are the one, You are the one
who can make moments last forever
The one that makes the sun shine
where ever you go

give a little love
say youll never stop
and Ill do anything
Ill give you love
if youll give me your heart

ohhhhh ohhhhh

Where ever you go
you are the one
why make it harder, than it has to be
just listen, Ill give you love

if youll give me your heart

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Other C21 song Lyrics
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  • Be with You Again
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  • Could You Ever Love Me Again
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  • Could You Ever
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  • Cuts Deep Inside
    "Hold me close
    you never really know until it goes
    why it ends
    cant you see..."
  • Deep Down
    "Drifting in a tide of emotion my state of minds
    got me spinning round upside down
    I'm tumbling to the ground ahh yeah
    and everytime I call you up to communicate my feelings..."
  • Deja Vu
    "Am I right
    If I believe I've seen a ghost on the moon
    Am I wrong
    When I pray and suddenly it says boom..."

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