C Mel - Why Lyrics

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Artist: C Mel
Song Title: Why
Visits: 880
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Why does the rain
Fall from the sky?
How can a sugar pill
Take this pain away?

I should have known
That you would break my heart
You've ended something
That didn't have chance to start

Put out the stars
Rub out the sky
Look to the future
Wipe the teardrop from my eye
Shut out the sun
Put out the light
Want you tell me how you're gonna make it right

Why am I crying over you?
Why? Cos there's nothing else that I can do
Why do I always look a fool?

Wish I'd read the signs
And left you well alone
God, I wanna call you
But I can't pick up the phone

Put out the stars
Rub out the sky
Look to the future
Wipe the teardrop from my eye
Shut out the sun
Bring on the night
Want you to show me how you're gonna make it right?

Why am I crying over you?
Why? Cos there's nothing else that I can do
Why do I always look a fool?

(Tell me why)
Why am I crying over you?
(Why does the rain fall from the sky?)
Why? Cos there's nothing else that I can do
(Why do tears fall from the eyes?)
Why do I always look a fool?
(Why does the rain fall from the sky?)
Why? (Oh tell me why)
(Tell me why

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  • Closer
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    My heart has been embraced now that you're in it..."
  • Feel The Sun
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    Can be evil and they often decieve
    Gotta believe
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  • Follow Me
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    Wanting you so much my heart could break
    To touch your skin, to feel your hair
    I'd follow you anywhere..."
  • Ga Ga
    "I dont want your adoration
    Dont want your train stoppin at my station
    You hurt me, and I'm grateful
    I never ever felt anything stranger..."
  • Goin Down
    "How Come I didn't see, you were making fun of me.
    How dare you change the rules, you made me look a fool.
    Well, now your gotta see, the last laugh is not on on me.
    What am I gonna do to get my revenge on you...."
  • Go
    "I?ve gotta go, find another direction.
    I?ve gotta go, I wanna get your attention.
    I am so sorry that I went this way. I just can?t
    hold anymore. The feeling?s gone, I must..."

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