C Melanie - Why Lyrics

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Artist: C Melanie
C Melanie Author
Album: Northern Star (2000)
C Melanie - Northern Star Album
Song Title: Why
Genre: Dance: Pop
Visits: 762
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Why does the rain fall from the sky?
How can a sugar pill take this pain away?
I should have known that you would break my heart.
You've ended something that didn't have a chance to start.

Put out the stars. Rub out the sky.
Look to the future. Wipe the teardrop from my eye.
Shut out the sun. Put out the light.
Want you to tell me how you're gonna make it right.

Why am I crying over you?
Why? 'Cos there's nothing else that I can do.
Why do I always look a fool?

Wish I'd read the signs and left you well alone.
God, I wanna call you but I can't pick up the phone.

Put out the stars. Rub out the sky.
Look to the future. Wipe the teardrop from my eye.
Shut out the sun. Bring on the night.
Want you to show me how you're gonna make it right.

Why am I crying over you?
Why? 'Cos there's nothing else I can do.
Why do I always look a fool?

Why am I crying over you?
(Tell me why. Why does the rain fall from the sky?)
Why? 'Cos there's nothing else that I can do.
(Why do the tears fall from my eyes?)
Why do I always look a fool?
(Why does the rain fall from the sky?)
Why? (Oh tell me why)
(Tell me why).

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Other C Melanie song Lyrics
  • Here It Comes Again
    "Hey, dont you worry
    Everythings alright you know
    Were gonna be just fine
    If the rain crashes down over you..."
  • Reason
    "So you put your cards on the table
    You're here, you're willing and able
    Do you really understand the challenge you've set yourself
    You know I want to adore you..."
  • Lose Myself In You
    "So many times
    I can hear you by my side
    But you seem so far away
    In my mind..."
  • On The Horizon
    "People see different things
    When they look on the horizon
    Do you see dark clouds rolling in fast
    Cos baby they ain't gonna last..."
  • Positively Somewhere
    "I'm here going nowhere
    And that's how I want it to stay
    Nobody beside me
    And I wouldn't want it any other way..."
  • Melt
    "Caught in the eye of a storm
    Where we are born
    No truth is spoken
    Seems so long ago..."
  • Soul Boy
    "Won't you be my soul boy
    Won't you be my soul
    There's been no one like you
    Trusted and true..."
  • Water
    "I've been waiting all my life to fly so high
    Unbeliable, now the sun is shining in my life
    Every day I want you more, we will endure
    Anything they say, anything they throw away..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Northern Star" album, click "C Melanie Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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