Cabaret Soundtrack - Why Should I Wake Up? Lyrics

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Artist: Cabaret Soundtrack
Song Title: Why Should I Wake Up?
Visits: 942
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Why should I wake up?
This dream is going so well.
When you're enchanted,
Why break the spell?
Drifting in this youthful state,
Morning can wait,
Let it come late.
Why should I wake up?
Why waste a drop of the wine?
Don't I adore you
And aren't you mine?
Maybe I'll someday be lonely again,
But why should I wake up?
Why should I wake up till then?

Drifting in this youthful state,
Morning can wait,
Let it come late.
Why should I wake up?
Why waste a drop of the wine?
Don't I adore you
And aren't you mine?
Maybe I'll someday be lonely again,
But why should I wake up?
Why should I wake up till then?

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