Cadaveria - The Magic Rebirth Lyrics

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Artist: Cadaveria
Cadaveria Author
Album: The Shadows' Madame (2002)
Cadaveria - The Shadows
Song Title: The Magic Rebirth
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 875
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Celebrate and praise the dead spirit
Bury your hopes with him
Nobody and nothing can rejoice me
except the world of pretence.
The god doesn't deserve my sacrifice
and his image must not be
transfigured in divinity
Let me make experience of me
relish the horror of a bloodshed
feel an instinctive pleasure before
what commonly stirs up disgust.
And then I could approach
following existences
disembowel the unconscious
Express my verity, hidden or denied
that will appear like a blind enigma to you
And I will find childlike purity again
amorality that hurt the false minds
I will essay the elementary pulsations
those you have secluded in dreams
Or destroyed with a symbolic castration
I prepare my magic death
I enter the reign of imagination
I enter the thunder's memory
and my body revives, my spirit is in peace
my heart is ready, my essence plunges into warm earth

and my mind blends with the cosmic energy.
We all raise with the sun
and we'll return to death
like a drop of rain towards the wide ocean.
I've dreamt a winged snake
eating its own tail, encircling the earth
And a mountain of crystal
bearing the child of an old witch who died confessing her sins
I woke up and I looked at myself in the black mirror
and I felt a new magic strength
enliven the blood time had frozen in my veins.
Now I follow my religion and the brightness of my mind
Since now I revive
I honour and respect the choices I made
I don't let silence dominate my heart
I don't let fear suffocate my shout.
May the queen have new desires
that come true with the heat of fire
I close my circle lightning the candles of stars
I celebrate my rebirth

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  • Irreverent Elegy
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  • The Divine Rapture
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  • Omen Of Delirium
    "Disciples of obsolete and unthinkable
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    Dependents on not yet synthesized drugs
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  • Out Body Experience
    "Splitting of median entity
    Practice of doubt
    I look for the truth
    in the silent shine of your eyes..."
  • Prayer Of Sorrow
    "Imploring visage
    An invisible barbed wire has encircled your wrist
    Leading you to an irrepressible scandal of sincerity
    I will quench your eyelids forever, so that you stop..."
  • Vox Of Anti-Time
    "Distorted walls cannot tear the lights of thunder
    and the flashes of reason
    If something must still happen, it shall happen
    following the rules of anti-logic..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Shadows' Madame" album, click "Cadaveria Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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