Cadillac Blindside - Tonights Starting Lineup Lyrics

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Artist: Cadillac Blindside
Song Title: Tonights Starting Lineup
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"Tonight's Starting Lineup"

you couldn't find another way to make it one more day, just when things got rolling. i think if you'd search your mind, you'll find that it's all right sometime to make mistakes. some people laugh at dreamers, but we're not that at all, if the past years were dreaming, then sleep is all i want. sinatra's life was singing "scob-ba-do-doobie-doobie-da-do-da" i think what he was saying, is that the only thing to do is take a chance. live all your days like they're your last, cause it goes by so fast. can't go back, just move forward, you'll never know the thing you could have been. it's hard to win from the sidelines, and if you lose at least you played, then you can say "i'll start another game someday". some ties they bind, most people bleed, like death and life for some, it's never up to me. look at my hands... quivering, it's up to me

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