Caedmons Call - If We Are The Body Lyrics

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Artist: Caedmons Call
Caedmons Call Author
Song Title: If We Are The Body
Visits: 805
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It's crowded at worship today
as she slips in
trying to fade into the faces
the girls' teasing laghter it carrying farther than they know
father than they know (oh)

But if we are the body
why aren't his arms reaching
why arent his hands healing
why arent his words teaching
and if we are the body
why arent his feet going
why is his love not showing them there is a way
there is a way

A traveler is far away from home
he sheds his coat
and quietly sinks into the back row
the weight of their judgemental glances
tells him that his chances
are better out on the road

But if we are the body
why aren't his arms reaching
why arent his hands healing
why arent his words teaching
and if we are the body
why arent his feet going
why is his love not showing them there is a way

Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
and we are the body of Christ

If we are the body
why aren't his arms reaching
why arent his hand healing
why arent his words teaching
and if we are the body
why arent his feet going
why is his love not showing them there is a way

If we are the body
why aren't his arms reaching
why arent his hands healing
why arent his words teaching
and if we are the body
why arent his feet going
why is his love not showing them there is a way

Jesus is the way

(Whoa Whoa)

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    I traveled at night
    Bound for Jordan just ten miles north
    Of a civil war..."
  • Beautiful Mystery
    "I tried to know
    Every mystery
    Soon realized, no
    It was too much for me..."
  • The High Countries
    "A bus station, in the steam from the rain
    In this line of pale strangers, should I go or stay?
    The whole field of vision, fades beneath me now
    And the houses spread for a million miles,..."

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