Caesar - Keep Eleven On Lyrics

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Artist: Caesar
Song Title: Keep Eleven On
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 862
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Well I surely can show you
Where you can go stuffing the rest of your memories
Another downer for the really down
We used to run around the secret cemetery
It had a chemistry you rarely find
This glue can keep it all together
But it can break like a glass when you blink at it, just like that
But we keep eleven on, just this once

Someone has to be there in case it's on for real
Can never spend a day without the real appeal
And maybe b-baby it's as real as a clock
So let it come, and let it come, and let it come, and let it rock

Well I haven't come this whole way just to put you down
It's been a long and winding day
The superglue can keep it all together now
But there's a price that you will have to name
This glue can keep it all together
But it can break like a glass when you blink at it, just like that
And we keep eleven on, just this once
Keep it on, eleven on, keep it
Keep it on, eleven on, keep it on
Keep it on, eleven, eleven on

Someone has to be there in case it's on for real
Can never spend a day without the real appeal
And maybe b-baby it's as real as as clock
So let it come, and let it come, and let it come, and let it

Someone has to be there just in case it's on for real
Can never spend a day without the real appeal
And maybe b-baby it's as real as as clock
So let it come

Keep it on, eleven on, keep it
Keep it on, eleven on, keep it on
Keep it on, eleven, eleven on

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Other Caesar song Lyrics
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  • I Took It Home
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  • Before My Head Explodes
    "I go walking to the sun
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    Been going on too long
    I go walking to the sun..."
  • Slavesong
    "I will return cos when I really need something
    Nothing can bring me down
    I wish I could talk
    If only you would be listening..."
  • Visions Of Mars
    "Well talk about the other side
    Oh it's not so pretty
    Release a modest sigh
    Always took it out on me..."
  • Simon The Ghost
    "Well I was tied to your eyes
    My life wasn't mine anymore
    We're all on a track and there's no way back
    You know how I love to uncover..."
  • Stains
    "This is how it all began, I can recall
    This one time couldn't get enough
    Life was kind of cold but you were like a fire
    Flaring up, couldn't get it out..."
  • Horrorscope
    "Come on out, tell me again
    Is it time to start the end
    There was something going on
    Gave some color to the world..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "No Rest For The Alonely" album, click "Caesar Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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