Caeser - Return to Go Lyrics

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Artist: Caeser
Song Title: Return to Go
Visits: 770
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You moved along, way too soon
It's like you ran away baby
Every day another day without you, isn't all
I stopped the ride, then returned to go
But did I really give it all
Stop, give it up, we're on our own

Always alone, always alone, I need fire in
Somebody new, someone like you, just like you

In all the books that I read, in all the films that I see it's you
In all the sounds it's you I hear somehow
I stopped the ride, then returned to go
It's not a game I can win
I know you don't play no more

Always alone, always alone, I need fire in
Somebody new, someone like you, just like you

I'm waiting for a life sign
But nothing seems to come
waiting for a life sign

You moved along, way too soon
Giving it away, I know
You are playing no more

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Other Caeser song Lyrics
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  • Everybody knows
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  • Happy
    "She is happy when she is all alone
    She's not that hyperactive
    No, she don't need the phone tonight
    No, she'd rather stay inside..."
  • Hardest time
    "This is the hardest time, I can't define it's never easy
    When you said goodbye
    We're all inclined to act like nothing's wrong
    I am the one, he said..."
  • Hey day
    "Hey, you know, this shiver I've got, this shiver I've got, it's part of a legacy
    For all the times that I know, have never be good to me
    But when you go and try to sort it out, I'm kind of worried where it leaves me
    Hey, how long can this go on, can this go on, I wanna be free again..."

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