Cafard Rose - Apocalypse Lyrics

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Artist: Cafard Rose
Song Title: Apocalypse
Visits: 877
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(Campbell, Deery, Hackford,
Noyes, Nugent, Santoriello)
No, no, no you'll never make love in this town again
No, no, no shake your rattle in another playpen
No, no, no you'll never make love in this town again
No, no, no, no, no, no
You sure wore out your welcome, baby. Not to mention all the men in town
You better think about your reputation, baby it's gone from bad to worse
And goin'down,down,down
No, no, no you'll never make love in this town again
No, no, no shake your rattle in another playpen
No, no, no you'll never make love in this town again
No, no, no, no, no, no
Taxicab, a big jet plane. A greyhound bus, a hot air balloon
Why don't you grab any one you can. And leave by tonight it wouldn't be too
No, no, no you'll never make love in this town again
No, no, no shake your rattle in another playpen
No, no, no you'll never make love in this town again
No, no, no, no, no, no
Well, there must be a million places that a woman like you can go
Cause you nasty little Juliet you ran out of Romeos
No, no, no you'll never make love in this town again
No, no, no shake your rattle in another playpen
No, no, no you'll never make love in this town again
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no

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Other Cafard Rose song Lyrics
  • Chez Georges
    "A bout de larmes
    A bout de forces
    Il faut toujours tenir
    Abattre l'arme..."
  • Couleur De Fond
    "T'as sorti ta jolie pour faire un tour en ville
    Mais y'a que toi qui as l'air dbile
    Cette mam'zelle jolie est bien trop futile
    Tu crois que tu l'embobines..."
  • Driveur
    "Plante sur une le Ocane nique sa divine
    Lacre de ses griffes, aggrippe son stick
    Elle dblatre toutes ses affaires
    Histoires de cul..."
  • In Cauda Venenum
    "Driveur sans souci
    De tes nuits agites
    Voyageur amaigri
    Par ta fougue endiable..."
  • Le Cafard Rose
    "In cauda venenum
    Il est dj trop tard
    Nunc est bibendum
    Noyons notre cafard..."
  • Les Chats
    "Au temple des humanodes dracins
    Sur l'autel enivrant des parias corchs
    Je suis le mage supplici
    Hrtique symbole au poing lev..."
  • Lola
    "Je suis seul cette nuit
    Je suis seul t'es partie
    Je suis seul cette nuit
    Je suis seul dans mon ennui..."
  • Shaman
    "Descendue des nues
    De brumes dvtue
    Une douce ingnue
    A l'extase s'vertue..."
  • ...Show All

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