Cage - The Weather Report Lyrics

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Artist: Cage
Cage Author
Song Title: The Weather Report
Visits: 876
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f/ Copywrite

"The most dominant" [Copywrite]

"Copywrite" [Copywrite]

"78 degrees" [Copywrite]

"Alex with a little message" [Cage]

"The most dominant"

"Copywrite MC" [Copywrite]

"Alex with the fuckin loaded thirty-oh-two" [Cage]


Nod your head till I bend you with a ?pitch or pucket?

Like your orratories a corporate gorey suffice

You ain't nice, you like fake dice

Caught by work release

Ice grillin villians, billing to make a killing

Peeling metal fillings like a jux from God

Spilling your stomach lining for just a fistful of ?kine?

And I climbed in your head, kicked a rhyme in your mind

And said "By far these are the weakest designed lens infrared"

Lazers who take them all for you

Like new Danzig, big titty mami porn yo, that's loyal

Book with the brown pages pickin em up

Till my fans prepare your girls for the trachea fuck


Yo, whether wearin raincoats or plain clothes

You can brainstorm all day and Weathermen remain bone

Dry, I'll quiz you to see where your mind's at

Whatever the IQ, I'll multiply myself twelve times that

You're assumin I'm human, that's your first mistake

When verbs could make the earth's crust burst and perforate

So just imagine if all seven bust

It'll cause Satan's soul to shake the golden gates of Heaven rust

And that talk wasn't brought to start a trend

I was seeing if my thoughts could split the sea apart again

From now, to the here-after

My lungs lung punch to crush queer rappers that fear laughter


"The most dominant"

"Copywrite" "78 Degrees"

"Alex with a fuckin loaded thirty-oh-two"


Once the phlegm is launched

Your fam's attention's lost

And they focus on every song I'm ever mentioned on

There ain't a man on this fuckin planet Earth I fear

Brainstorming till my ears, nose, and mouth squirt ideas

The best man, prove it in front of you

Your fans booing

This is the fifth time we battle

What are you, DEAF AND STUPID?

It's confusing to those spittin bad quotes

I was givin life in a test tube by scientists in labcoats

Got speed in sesssion

You call that a verse?

I thought that was your Gilbert Godfried impression

Forfeit, or I'll be faced to escort shit

To mush your face in a pile of horse shit

I torture kids, the contortionist

Bless the less fortunate

House so many crabs, they mistake my rest for an orphanage

To pull a burner on us two is useless

I'll hold your arms while Cage stabs you with a mouthful of toothpicks



You think shit's sweet?

With your tastebuds ripped out

Thrown in a jar or jelly (Yo Cage that's tripped out)

Peddle through medical bars, they couldn't chart me

Till I file my fingertips down to red Sharpies

Man give me the cars keys

Play the three like Dan Majerle

Watch me crash the shit then go sniff coke with Chris Farley

When I return, put fire to frozen land

Ain't got no holes in my hands

I put holes in my fans

So I can see what they feelin while Copy delimn em

Collect em in glass case like bugs with pins in em

Think that's vain, I paint self portraits in my own blood

I went platinum but they don't give out plaques for thugs

Try these ?love? sprinkled with elephant tooths

Relevant proof, you ain't kickin shit in elegant boots

Tell the truth when I show pity

Runnin through Central Park with a watergun

And my friends wettin titties

(Copywrite 78, Alex the Worm King, Eastern Conference)

Chorus 4x

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