Cale John - Andalucia Lyrics

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Artist: Cale John
Cale John Author
Album: Paris 1919 (1993)
Cale John - Paris 1919 Album
Song Title: Andalucia
Genre: Rock
Visits: 1011
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Andalucia when can I see you
When it is snowing out again
Farmer John wants you
Louder and softer closer and dearer
Then again
Needing you taking you keeping you leaving you
In a year and a day to be sure
That your face doesn't alter
Your words never falter -- I love you

I'll be here waiting later and later
Hoping the night will go away
Andalucia Castles and Christians
Andalucia come to stay
You were lost, once before, on a day much like this
When you'd made up your mind not to come
And I couldn't persuade you
Or wait till tomorrow -- or pass the time

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    "If you were still around
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    I'd shake you by the knees..."
  • I Keep A Close Watch
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  • Chinese Envoy
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    A master of nothing a mistress of something she thought
    She could talk about things that never mattered ever
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  • Changes Made
    "When the winter days are gone
    Never find any summer breezes
    Until you've gone through spring
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  • Damn Life
    "Damn life
    Damn life
    What's it worth?
    Damn life..."
  • Rise, Sam And Rimsky-Korsakov
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Paris 1919" album, click "Cale John Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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