Cale John - Cafe Shabu Lyrics

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Artist: Cale John
Cale John Author
Song Title: Cafe Shabu
Visits: 1083
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Welcome to the caf shabu. permit me to introduce you to some of our regulars. starting on my immediate left, ladies and gentlemen, here in caf shabu, you'll note a poet, a man of words by tr
And yes, that's a refugee from an unnamed political philosophy, come here to spread his message of joy and peace amongst us. thank you very much sir. over here, next to him we see a lady who has
Ed-in a lifestyle of the rich and famous for work with underprivileged and exceptional children which i am sure makes her very pleased with herself, ladies and gentlemen. sitting next to her a m
Letters and words and moods. a man who spent most of his life deceiving himself and now finds himself facing six years in rehabilitation prison and a death sentence on the outside. sitting next
Im on a banquette, a ballerina. she's had two grapes, a raisin, and a chicklet, and she's full. in fact, she's been stuffed for years. next to her are two spinsters knitting their way in and out
Arious predicaments coloure
D by the excesses of their ancestors. and close by them, some surreal painter's brooding over the very over-emphasis of colour-violence. violence on the blue end of the scale. next to them, two

Uty detectives checking each other out. next door to the sugarholics, see them shivering, see them staring into the distance, see them growing, oh, see them go comatose. insulin please, maitre d
My immediate right several politicians smiling lizard-like, see them assure themselves that their status is indeed quo.

Rip up the cheques said the maitre d'. see if i care. i do this for the company. i've got no-one to trust any secrets to but myself. in the basement, in the vault, in the attic on the walls are
Ictures i take in part-payment for my time. and the waitress reminds you that in the backroom bathed in red, glowing with the spee

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  • If You Were Still Around
    "If you were still around
    I'd hold you
    I'd hold you
    I'd shake you by the knees..."
  • I Keep A Close Watch
    "Never win and never lose
    There's nothing much to choose
    Between the right and wrong
    Nothing lost and nothing gained..."
  • Chinese Envoy
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    A master of nothing a mistress of something she thought
    She could talk about things that never mattered ever
    From one person's miserable life after another..."
  • Changes Made
    "When the winter days are gone
    Never find any summer breezes
    Until you've gone through spring
    Another way out of here..."
  • Damn Life
    "Damn life
    Damn life
    What's it worth?
    Damn life..."
  • Rise, Sam And Rimsky-Korsakov
    "I knew a guitar player once
    Who called the radio friendly
    He felt a kinship, not with the music so much as with the radio's voice
    Its synthetic quality..."

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