Cales - Party Forever Lyrics

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Artist: Cales
Song Title: Party Forever
Visits: 817
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Our life is a neverending party

Disorderliness on the verge of crime

Gallons of booze

Throngs of cheap sluts

And hearbroken naive admirers

I'm hitting the rock bottom

And soaring into euphoric heights

It's better to die young than grow old

They want us to assume responsibility

For their own benefit

Yet they don't realize we don't need them

The wolf's loyalty cannot be turned into lamb's meekness

I am a bohemian and this is the fuckin path I've chosen

In the high sea of time I have sailed all the way here

And I will go on, further than you can imagine

Look, I do what I please

And I dont care what they think

They don't dare to do it cos they're not up to it

They would love to knock me down

Yet they cant defeat me

And they won't even succeed long after I die

I will always do what they expect least

Its like sifting grain from the chaff

Pigs don't know what pigsty is

Just like people don't know what life is

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    There's no end to the winter
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    Despair reigns over your heart..."
  • Derelict
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    Just a few more steps and I'll be free as a bird
    Everything's moving on the edge
    It takes a little and hopes vanish away..."
  • Faces In The Walls
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    Noises of steel reins were broken in echoes
    Air sweetened with blood
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