Cales - Short-Term Acquaintance Lyrics

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Artist: Cales
Song Title: Short-Term Acquaintance
Visits: 736
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Glorification of trash and megalomania

Talk shows and the world of color magazines

Distorted facts about the life of rich and famous

The subject of heated discussions

Among young ambitious girls

A display of disposable plastic beauty

Stupid trends of another season

The breadth of your views ends a few feet away

Your inner world is perfect mathematics

Your conduct is controled by money

You wont ever set your eyes on the skies in captivation

Because your eyes see just the emptiness

And the imagination woke you up

It's almost touching

Your ambitions and direction of your life in quotation marks

If you should spend a single

Day without your pseudoneeds

I guess they'd rush you to hospital

You're a great fuck but your company gets me tired

Short-Term Acquaintance Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    Just a few more steps and I'll be free as a bird
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