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Father Song Lyrics
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Life's been getting harder every day I don't know what to do or what to say Nothing seems quite right, I think I lost my fight Do you think I'll live to see another day? You know I hate the job that I've been working at But life just seems to go like that Out here on my own, well, I feel so alone Father, won't you let me come home? Could you help me, father, could you help me out? Could you show me what to do or what to say? If you can't I understand, cos I know you're just a man You're my father, so that's OK I still don't know what I want to be The world around me seems so crazy Criminals in power, the streets no longer safe What kind of man would I want to be? There's a girl I love and you know I want to marry She's everything I hoped she would be So poppa if you would, give some tips to help me out So I'll know how to raise a family Now I know you're not the wisest man to ever walk the earth But I know Someone who just might be So I'll stop stressing you with all the questions that I have I'll go to the One who gave you me If I keep to Your Word and I pray everyday You promise to show me Your way
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