Calibretto 13 - Merry Freakin Christmas Lyrics

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Artist: Calibretto 13
Song Title: Merry Freakin Christmas
Visits: 765
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Well, I woke up that night to take a pee.
Decided to look under the tree.
Well, what did I see? Oh it was he, stuffing the stocking for me.
It was my dad.
He said, "Son, you're going on 19. It's time to face reality.
There is no Santa Claus. Face it if you can,
Cause Santa Claus was really just a man."
Santa Claus was just a man, Santa Claus was just a man.
Why was I lied to? It's so hard to understand.
Santa Claus was just a man, Santa Claus was just a man.
Now I'm very mad, cause Santa Claus was really just my dad.
He sat me down that morning to explain.
But all the words he told me were in vain.
Because the lie that I was living had led me to believe
That Santa Claus was more than just a dream.
He was my dad.
Santa Claus was just a man, Santa Claus was just a man.
Why was I lied to? It's so hard to understand.
Santa Claus was just a man, Santa Claus was just a man.
Now I'm very mad, cause Santa Claus was really just my dad.
Lied to and deceived. Why is this world trying to trick me?
Lied to and deceived. It's all make-believe.
Santa Claus was just a man, Santa Claus was just a man.
Why was I lied to? It's so hard to understand.
Santa Claus was just a man, Santa Claus was just a man.
Now I'm very mad, cause Santa Claus was really just my dad.
No milk and cookies this!!!!

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    "you see me with your eyes
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    "stayin in a hotel not far from here
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    i see a gun pointed at my head
    he's cussin and he's cryin and i think he wants me dead..."
  • Christian Hate Mail
    "What is this I see? Can we not get along?
    Discord in the body shows me something is wrong.
    Difference of opinion brings about your hate.
    The way that we view life makes you so irate...."
  • Creep
    "Don't you got better things to do
    Than spread your gossip and speak what's untrue?
    You go to church, see through your haughty eyes,
    Go to your friends, and tell all your lies...."
  • Crimson Dawn
    "I was walking down the street one night
    Looking for something to do
    When up from the shadows came this horrific fright
    And his name was Vincent Van Bow!..."
  • Cruisin The Strip
    "Cruise the strip, gotta look real cool
    Turn up the bass, act like a fool
    Bad rap on the stereo
    Act so tough, put on a show..."

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