Call - Let The Day Begin Lyrics

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Artist: Call
Song Title: Let The Day Begin
Visits: 860
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Here's to the babies in a brand new world

Here's to the beauty of the stars

Here's to the travellers on the open road

Here's to the dreamers in the bars

Here's to the teachers in the crowded rooms

Here's to the workers in the fields

Here's to the preachers of the sacred words

Here's to the drivers at the wheel

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin, let the day begin

Here's to the winners of the human race

Here's to the losers in the game

Here's to the soldiers of the bitter war

Here's to the wall that bears their names

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Let the day begin, let the day begin, let the day start

Here's to the doctors and their healing work

Here's to the loved ones in their care

Here's to the strangers on the streets tonight

Here's to the lonely everywhere

Here's to the wisdom from the mouths of babes

Here's to the lions in the cage

Here's to the struggles of the silent war

Here's to the closing of the age.

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Let the day begin

Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above

Now let the day begin, let the day begin, let the day start

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    I ain't here to hold your shaky hand
    I ain't here to look you in the eye
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