Calling - If Only Lyrics

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Artist: Calling
Song Title: If Only
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 888
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What's the way of love?
Tell me your fiction
tell me your lies
say to me now you'll never forget this night
I'm feeling emotionless
my head's so clear
my enemies aren't the ones I fear
you know your kiss confuses
this troubling soul
and I found out
that we're all breaking hearts
that we're all broken hearts

If only love could find us all
if only hearts didn't have to fall
we can't mislead to make things right
so instead we'll sleep alone tonight

What's the way of love
you are thinking i'm crazy
but you're blushing of lust
I've heard a lot of nice things
but tell me which ones i'm to trust
the walls we made are glass
and they have been known to crack
but until then
you'll keep pushing my way
and I'll keep pushing you away

If only love could find us all
if only hearts didn't have to fal
we can't mislead to make things right
so instead we'll sleep alone tonight

If you want to take a chance
and try to make things right
you better have a reason to be loved
we all want something more
and it is worth fighting for...

If only love could find us all
if only hearts didn't have to fall
we can't mislead to make things right
so instead we'll sleep alone tonight

And if all our fate were in my hands
would it be enough to undertsand
why we feel lost in a world so small
if only love could find us all...

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Other Calling song Lyrics
  • Unstoppable
    "Come and lay right on my bed, sit and drink some wine
    I'll try not to make you cry
    And if you get inside my head, then you'd understand
    Then you'd understand me..."
  • Nothings Changed
    "It was a day just like this
    In a life of our times
    Shrugging signs there's no chance for us
    It's not mine to decide..."
  • Wherever You Will Go
    "So lately, been wondering
    Who will be there to take my place
    When I'm gone you'll need love to light the shadows on your face
    If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all..."
  • Could It Be Any Harder
    "You left me with goodbye and open arms
    A cut so deep I don't deserve
    You were always invincible in my eyes
    The only thing against us now is time..."
  • Final Answer
    "I want love
    To carry me through
    All the moments, I'd kindly undo
    Locked away..."
  • Adrienne
    "I've been thinking about you, my love
    And all the crazy things that you put me through
    Now I'm coming around, throwing it back to you
    Were you thinking of me, when you kissed him..."
  • Were Forgiven
    "Well I would like to think
    The world hasn't seen
    That all the best is still to come,
    And I know life ain't easy..."
  • Things Dont Always Turn Out That Way
    "Well he can't sleep at night
    And he can't do what's right
    It was all because she came into his life
    It's a deep obsession, taking up his time..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Two" album, click "Calling Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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