Camel - Down on the Farm Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> C>> Camel Singer Lyrics>> Down on the Farm Song Lyrics
Artist: Camel
Camel Author
Album: Breathless (1978)
Camel - Breathless Album
Song Title: Down on the Farm
Genre: Rock
Visits: 928
Print Version

Every Sunday morning, before daybreak
Down upon the farm, on the fishpond
All the little ducks, they go paddling
Look out for fish or for breakfast

Sunday morning hear the churchbells ringing
High up in the trees the birds were singing
In the dewey grass spiders spinning
Rooster calls and talks his voodo
All around the farm animals stirring
Through the morning mist the bulls are beefing
'Til across the meadows cows are munching
Crazy though it's time for milking

There's such a lot to be done on the farm
In the sunshine, and when it's lunchtime
It's hop down the pub for a pint
Back on the tractor to finish the plowing

Standing all alone, Fred the scarecrow
Hasn't got a clue how the wheat grows
Doesn't mind the rain, hates the cold though
Specially when those icewinds blow snow

All along the lane, bees are buzzing
Little furry things in hedgerows swirring
In amongst the corn the bunnies are bouncing
Roosters spring upon their feet

Behind the cowshed
The plowman is taking a peek
At the farmer's daughter
Who's hanging her undies in the sun

Better get on your boots and join us - Down on the farm (x5)
Better get on your boots and join us - Down here on the farm

It's a lovely day for country walking
The vicar's on his bike, Vinny's skateboarding
Farmer and his dog out back shooting
Gun goes off and birds stop tweeting

Lot's of smelly stinks around the farmyard
Great big pile of sh.t behind the rhubarb
Sitting in his pram, baby bunting
Dogs are up and starts his grunting

Give him a drink, he's gone pink
Wants his mummy, needs changing I think
Such a lot can be done on the farm-aca

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Other Camel song Lyrics
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    They say that I don't understand,
    When you speak of your summertime land -..."
  • Mystic Queen
    "Have you seen the Mystic Queen
    Riding in her limousine
    Over hills and dales 'til morning...
    If you like I'll take you there..."
  • Separation
    "You know we're fighting every day,
    It's as if somehow we've lost our way.
    When we'd first begun, yeah, we lived as one,
    Now as time goes on, we move our own way...."
  • Never Let Go
    "Crazy preachers of our doom
    Telling us there is no room.
    Not enough for all mankind
    And the seas of time are running dry...."
  • Curiosity
    "Sail, sail away,
    There you go.
    Why not let me come along,
    I won't tell no one...."
  • Freefall
    "I'm in a freefall, like a snowflake falling,
    Down, down, down, down, down.
    I close my eyes inside my head I starfall
    Helpless to the ground...."
  • Supertwister
    "They tell me you're searching for a new place,
    They tell me tomorrow will have a true face.
    They say that I don't understand,
    When you speak of your summertime land -..."
  • Nimrodel / The Procession / The White Rider
    "When he rides, my fears subside,
    For darkness turns once more to light.
    Through the skies, his white horse flies,
    To find a land beyond night...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Breathless" album, click "Camel Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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