Camera Aztec - How It Is Lyrics

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Artist: Camera Aztec
Camera Aztec Author
Album: Stray (1990)
Camera Aztec - Stray Album
Song Title: How It Is
Genre: Rock
Visits: 896
Print Version

Well you can get grades, toe the line
Keep your behind above the water in the meantime,
Join the corporate pyramid,
I couldn't blame you if you did,
Until you sell out your brother while your sister falls,
Playin' daddy, doing the company crawl,
You don't deserve your daughter's kiss,
I know it's sad,
That's how it is.

Well, uptown there's been more than an oilspill,
Another woman beaten, raped, blood spilled, male hate,
The paters couldn't wait, racism, sell this,
Well there's no excusin' in what I'm saying,
It's just that there's a million colours praying,
For real justice.
That's how it really is.

You just get born, keep on keepin' on,
Defend yourself against the worries,
Try and have fun.
Party on until your number's picked,
But beware 'cos the fight is fixed,
It was them but it could be you next,
Paranoia saves lives,
So if you wanna exist,
Get your head 'round this...

That's how it is

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Other Camera Aztec song Lyrics
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  • Walk Out To Winter
    "We met in the summer and walked 'til the fall
    And breathless we talked, it was tongues.
    Despite what they'll say, it wasn't youth, we hit the truth.
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  • We Could Send Letters
    "You said you're free, for me that says it all.
    You're free to push me and I'm free to fall
    So if we weaken we can call it stress,
    You've got my trust I've got your home address...."
  • Pillar To Post
    "So you appear and say how I've grown
    And fill me up with faces I've known
    In this light they're far from divine
    I've saved them up, I'll spend them when I have time..."
  • Release
    "Silver shone the rooftops, I heard the words 'You will'
    And realized that in your eyes, the force of love could kill.
    So go and get your wages, you get what you deserve,
    When hope held out its hand today, you laughed and turned and fled..."
  • Lost Outside The Tunnel
    "I laughed until it got too dark.
    Somewhere else her voice will bark
    Someone else will be involved.
    Someone stronger still...."
  • Back On Board
    "Heard it said it's a stupid thing,
    Everything that I follow through
    Never got to our god, you see.
    Abandoned with a taste of the new, new, new..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Stray" album, click "Camera Aztec Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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