Camera Aztec - Reason For Living Lyrics

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Artist: Camera Aztec
Camera Aztec Author
Song Title: Reason For Living
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Words and music by roddy frame

Now you're back in my arms again
Let your heart be rearranged
While you were sleeping the reaper's been reaping
The times have changed

Speak softly to me
You have more power than the bomb
The tears in your eyes are just medals and prizes
The war is over
Miracles will come and go watch it all work out
But don't give in

If you should climb to the top of the world
Just to take it on the chin
What would would it matter if the world were to shatter
Is it the world you believe in

You crawl to the ends of the earth
As the scenery's caving in
On knees burnt by gravel the season's unravel
Your reason for living

With flesh and blood and small change
We start a little something new
Rather lead and be mistaken than following and fakin'
For the sake of seeming true
All the stars and satellites shine down on you
But which will you heed?

If you should climb to the top of the world
Just to take it on the chin
What would would it matter if the world were to shatter
Is it the world you believe in?

You crawl to the ends of the earth
As the scenery's caving in
On knees burnt by gravel the season's unravel
Your reason for living

If i should drown in the light of your eyes
Well i'd rather die giving
Walk the line with some grace say it wasn't a race
Ain't that a reason for living?

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  • Pillar To Post
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    And fill me up with faces I've known
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    I've saved them up, I'll spend them when I have time..."
  • Release
    "Silver shone the rooftops, I heard the words 'You will'
    And realized that in your eyes, the force of love could kill.
    So go and get your wages, you get what you deserve,
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  • Lost Outside The Tunnel
    "I laughed until it got too dark.
    Somewhere else her voice will bark
    Someone else will be involved.
    Someone stronger still...."
  • Back On Board
    "Heard it said it's a stupid thing,
    Everything that I follow through
    Never got to our god, you see.
    Abandoned with a taste of the new, new, new..."

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