Camper Van Beethoven - Jack Ruby Lyrics
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Camper Van Beethoven Singer Lyrics
Jack Ruby Song Lyrics
Camper Van Beethoven
Key Lime Pie (1989)
Song Title:
Jack Ruby
Rock: Pop-Rock
Print Version
I remember his hat tilted forward
His glasses are folded in his vest
And he seems like the kind of man who beats his horses
Or the dancers who work at a bar
We saw on the screen his face for a moment
No time to plead or even ask why
Jack Ruby appears from out of nowhere
Then disappears in broad daylight
'Cause he's a friend of that cloven-hoofed gangster the devil
He's been seen with the sheriff and the police
Drinking whiskey and water after hours, saying
"Let's do business, boys. The drinks are on me."
So draw the box along quickly
Avert your eyes with shame
Let us stand and speak of the weather
And pretend nothing ever happened on that day
Grant us the luxury, 'cause all our heroes are bastards
Grant us the luxury, 'cause all our heroes are thieves
Of the innocence of the afternoons
Now we think it's a virtue to simply survive
But it feels like this calm it's decaying
It's collapsing under its own weight
And I think its your friend the hangman coming
Choking back a laugh, a drunkard swaggering to your door
Now do you feel that cold, icy presence ?
In the morning with coffee and with bread
Do you feel it in the movement of traffic
And days are terrible, simply forget
Jack Ruby Lyrics
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Other Camper Van Beethoven song Lyrics
"Oh, watch what you say
You're breaking my heart
Oh, watch what you do
You're tearing me apart..."
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another Mafia show again
For a man who's had more feet kicked in his face than I can
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But she said to me
"it has no meaning at all."
We walked across the park..."
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"Why do lovers park down deserted lanes
Near haunted houses or homes for the insane
Like the deformed son who was locked in a shed
Later escaped when he chopped off their heads..."
Crossing Over
"Back in the woods under ashes, there is a stone.
That says he was here a long time ago.
I wonder if he'll ever pass this way again.
But i know that no one ever goes home again...."
Im Not Like Everybody Else
"I don't take clothes that are hand-me-downs
I don't smile
'cause i wear a frown
Once i get started you can't hold me down..."
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"The white ducks fly
All past the sun
Their wings flap silver at the moon
While waters rush down the mountaintops..."
Six More Miles to the Graveyard
"Six more miles
To the graveyard
Six more miles
Long and sad..."
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Camper Van Beethoven Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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