Camper Van Beethoven - When I Win The Lottery Lyrics
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Camper Van Beethoven Singer Lyrics
When I Win The Lottery Song Lyrics
Camper Van Beethoven
Key Lime Pie (1989)
Song Title:
When I Win The Lottery
Rock: Pop-Rock
Print Version
Well I lost an eye in Mexico
Lost two teeth where I don't know
People see me comin' and they move to the other side of the road
I robbed a liquor store to make myself at home a few times
Borrowed myself a car when I needed it
I got me a shack at the bottom of the road
Fixin' cars and givin' tows
Spendin' all my money on the lottery
When I win the lottery gonna buy all girls on my block
A color TV and a bottle of French perfume
When I win the lottery gonna donate half my money to the city
So they have to name a street or a school or a park after me
When I win the lottery
Never run a flag up a pole
Like mr. red, white, and blue down the road
But I never called myself a hero for killing unknown communists
Now I can walk into any old bar
And find a fight without looking too hard
But I never killed someone I don't know just 'cause someone told me to
And when I win the lottery
Gonna buy the house next to mr. red, white and blue
And when I win the lottery
Gonna buy Post 306 American Legion, paint it red with five gold stars
When I win the lottery
When the end comes to this old world
The rights will cry and the rest will curl up
And God won't take the time to sort your ashes from mine
'Cause we zig and zag between good and bad
Stumble and fall on right and wrong
'Cause the tumbling dice and the luck of the draw just leads us on
And when I win the lottery, gonna buy all the girls on my block
Silver-plated six shooters and a quart of the finest highland scotch
'Cause when I win the lottery, the rights will shake their heads and say that
God is good but surely works in mysterious ways
When I win the lottery
When I Win The Lottery Lyrics
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Other Camper Van Beethoven song Lyrics
"Oh, watch what you say
You're breaking my heart
Oh, watch what you do
You're tearing me apart..."
Never Go Back
"Never gonna go back to the Rat and play
another Mafia show again
For a man who's had more feet kicked in his face than I can
begin to count..."
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But she said to me
"it has no meaning at all."
We walked across the park..."
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"Why do lovers park down deserted lanes
Near haunted houses or homes for the insane
Like the deformed son who was locked in a shed
Later escaped when he chopped off their heads..."
Crossing Over
"Back in the woods under ashes, there is a stone.
That says he was here a long time ago.
I wonder if he'll ever pass this way again.
But i know that no one ever goes home again...."
Im Not Like Everybody Else
"I don't take clothes that are hand-me-downs
I don't smile
'cause i wear a frown
Once i get started you can't hold me down..."
Porpoise Mouth
"The white ducks fly
All past the sun
Their wings flap silver at the moon
While waters rush down the mountaintops..."
Six More Miles to the Graveyard
"Six more miles
To the graveyard
Six more miles
Long and sad..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Key Lime Pie" album, click "
Camper Van Beethoven Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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