CamRon F/ Big Punisher, Charli Baltimore, Silkk & Wy - Too Close Lyrics
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CamRon F/ Big Punisher, Charli Baltimore, Silkk & Wy Singer Lyrics
Too Close Song Lyrics
CamRon F/ Big Punisher, Charli Baltimore, Silkk & Wy
Song Title:
Too Close
Print Version
I wonder if she could tell I'm hard right now, hmmm
Yeah, come on, dance for me baby, ha ha, yeah
Oh, oh, you feel that? Alright
Come on, don't stop now
You done did it, come on, uh, yeah, alright, hold on
Baby when we're grinding
I get so excited
Ooh, how I like it
I try but I can't fight it
Oh, your dancing real close
Plus it's real real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me
All the slow songs you requested
You're dancing like you're naked
Oh, it's almost like we're sexing (oh yeah)
Yeah boo, I like it
No, I can't deny it
But I know you can tell
I'm excited, oh girl
Step back you're dancing kinda close
I feel a little poke coming through
On you
Now girl I know you felt it
Boo you know I can't help it
You know what I want to do
Baby when we're grinding
I get so excited
Ooh, how I like it
I try but I can't fight it
Oh, your dancing real close
Plus it's real real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me
Baby girl's dancing so close
Ain't a good idea
Cuz I'mma want you now and here
The way that you shake it on me
Makes me want you so bad sexually
Oh girl
Step back you're dancing kinda close
I feel a little poke coming through
On you
Baby when we're grinding
I get so excited
Ooh, how I like it
I try but I can't fight it
Oh, your dancing real close
Plus it's real real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me
Baby when we're grinding
I get so excited
Ooh, how I like it
I try but I can't fight it
Oh, your dancing real close
Plus it's real real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me
I love when you shake it like that, ah, ah, ah
I see that you like it like that, oh, oh, oh
I love when you shake it like that, ah, ah, ah
I see that you like it like that, oh, oh, oh
Well baby I like the way that you grind
On me
Baby when we're grinding
I get so excited
Ooh, how I like it
I try but I can't fight it
Oh, your dancing real close
Plus it's real real slow
(You know what you're doing, don't you)
You're making it hard for me
I like the way you move
You're making me want you
Oh the way
I like those things you do
But you're a little too close
Too Close Lyrics
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Other CamRon F/ Big Punisher, Charli Baltimore, Silkk & Wy song Lyrics
I Still Love You
"I still love you babe
I'm still for you girl
I'll never leave you baby
Cuz I realize I need you in my life..."
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