CamRon F/ Juelz - All The Chickens Lyrics
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All The Chickens Song Lyrics
CamRon F/ Juelz
Song Title:
All The Chickens
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[chickens clucking in background]
All the chickens go cluck, cluck, cluck [repeats throughout song]
When I come through
All the chickens go cluck, cluck, cluck
When I drive through
All the chickens go cluck, when I
All the chickens go cluck, when I
All the chickens go cluck, when I, yo, yo
I'm that one cat that the hood be lovin
They way I floss, y'all chcickens, should be cluckin
One bird chirp, got blunt wit me
She work up at Starbuck, front on me
I said chill baby girl, you a real dirty chick
Fucked up bad, real, real, thirsty chick
You just chop, called you karate chick
Fuck with me, I make you somebody bitch
Like your sister, she was just a crack chick
Now heads turn, yo, yo who dat bitch?
Like Cam is a son of a bitch
That'll tell a girl, ma, wash under your tits
But I, got a girl, we all call her "Licka"
Cuz she drink liquor, let another girl lick her
If you licky, licky, we all could play
But I don't eat nothing that can walk away, Killa
[chickens clucking]
When I come through...
When I drive through...
Uh, one mo', when my jewelry shine...
All the chickens go, all the chickens go, all the chickens go...
Now if you been to the hood, you dealt wit a chicken before
And you know that they different than whores
Same rules, never put your dick in 'em raw
But a chicken you could have out, pitchin 'em raw
Cuz she listen, been through it, did it before
But you gotta watch 'em close cuz they blab they mouth
Never punch 'em in they face just slap they mouth
Then fuck her til she cluck her whole basket out
Send her home wit her ass ripped out, and her back hurtin'
She wanna act like she don't know why her back hurtin'
Cab fare no, hope your train pass workin'
Hope you got a metro card or a token
They all love sayin if you lickin you stickin
But just cuz I eat chicken don't mean I eat chickens
And they love when I don't stop, keep diggin
Make 'em wanna cluck more, make 'em wanna fuck more
[chickens still clucking]
Uh, uh, Killa, uh, uh, what, uh
When I come through...
Oh, uh, what, uh, when I drive through...
Uh, uh, uh, when my jewels shine...
All the chickens, all the chickens, all the chickens
Ayo one time came through, grabbed me a chicken
Took L advice, slap me a chicken
But my girl don't need no type of brains
Just get down, gimme some type of brains
And I'm never gonna have no damn wife to claim
But if your head right I might ice your chain
It's a shame how y'all chicks admire the jewels
Niggas wearin white gold y'all inspired them fools
But I'ma tell you chicks once
Only thing you gon' get from Juelz is dick and some big blunts
And if you don't smoke guess it's just dick
But don't worry baby it's about this thick
[chickens continue]
Uh, when I come through...
Yo, it's like you know, if my watch is $50,000...
My chain is $45,000...
My pinky ring is $25,000...
The year of my car, match the year that it is
What you expect a chicken to fuckin do?
Y'all doin the right thing ma keep cluckin
Cuz I'ma keep shinin, keep cluckin
Uh, when I come through...
When I drive through...
[cluck to the end]
All The Chickens Lyrics
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