Candlebox - Featherweight Lyrics

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Artist: Candlebox
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Song Title: Featherweight
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Featherweight in my hand,
there's something that I...I need to know
and how is it you can carry all this weight upon,
this weight upon your back?
And Heather, life is all you believe in,
and Heather somethings that I need that I need to know...
where you've been, in my hope.
And Featherweight in my hand
there's something that I...I need to show you.
This world, this world I've
been and where I'm's all that I owe you.
And Heather you've always believed and dreamed in my soul.
And Heather it's time that I tell you
all that I've known is where you come from
and all where I've grown is what you've believed in
and things that I know and the times spent offering...
the seed in your belly, a son you've never known and daughter to me.
Life's been the times that I've known.
And Featherweight in my hand,
there's something that I need to tell you that you've always known...
you're a Featherweight in my hand
and your life seems to change me everytime that I grow.
And Featherweight in my hand,
there's times that I see you and where I want to know.
And Heather you've always believed in everything I've shown
and Heather life seems to change me
and where we've outgrown this fence that you've built in your home,
this husband that you've, you've tagged as your own,
this son that you've had,
you've had on your own
and times that I spend all that I know
and times that I've spent and everything that I hope...
And Featherweight in my hand,
you'll always be Featherweight in my hand...
you'll always be Featherweight in my hand...
you'll always be Featherweight in my hand

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    colored flowers your eyes seem
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    She don't have a face
    Never had much of anything
    Yes I see you and I fall from grace..."
  • Rain
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    Seen my baby fly away
    Sugar don't go
    She said I don't be treatin' her..."
  • Mothers Dream
    "I'm flipping through these pages
    My memory seems jaded
    A lot's been lost since my mother's dream
    But these sudden flashing colors..."

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