Canibus - Behind Enemy Rhymes Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
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Song Title: Behind Enemy Rhymes
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Behind enemy rhymes, when the curriculum storms
Behind enemy rhymes, when the curriculum storms

It's like this yo, check it out, uh, yo
When the curriculum storms
modern rap history is re-born in cd code in the form of a poem
Anyone who study Canibus past
knows he has to answer the questions you not advanced enough to ask
Super advanced, faculty man, chairman of curriculum class
85% never pass, 10% smile and 5% dont even laugh
When the chalks in my hand and I'm drawin up graphs
I present the contingency plan to the top grads
They probably think I'm on speed I'm talkin so fast
The body of the rhyme is smooth, like body in bath
The Submary is more explosive than a meth lab blast
My symmetrical geometry shatter glass
As my U 2 35 rhyme hits critical mass
Apocalypse now, lyrical raps blow everything off the map
from green grass to African Bayobats
Spike with electro mats, aircrafts crash
CDC's in the streets passin out gas masks
Gorgeous women thank me for the oxygen tank
Baby, the sherrons on my arms will tell you I reign
Maybe I'll become another casualty in the field
They'll ingrave my gravestone with the master steel
The best beats in the world couldn't rival my skill
It's like pourin a couple water on a million beach whales
The french is speakin basics, i should re-interate this
We rise to great heights by winding staircases
Lines spiral and a french spiral design
When the curriculum storms, Behind enemy rhymes

When the curriculum storms, this is lyrical law
Computer programmed bars come out of digital jaws
This is the toughest course in hip hop so far
Behind enemy rhymes, when the curriculum storms, (x2)

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  • Showtime At The Gallow
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    Yo, I dialogue wit Amen-Ra 'til he gives me the nod
    Or replaces me wit a supercomputer automaton..."
  • Psych Evaluation
    Some say the pen overpowers the sword
    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
    Appallin' footage of cops breakin' the law..."
  • Poet Laureate II
    "Uhh I dont understand how a writer could ever get writer's block, so called
    My problem is having too much.. and being unable to get it down...
    Yo, why is the ripper so ill?
    That would be a unpardonable breach of confidence for me to reveal!..."

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