Canibus - Channel Zero Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
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Song Title: Channel Zero
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Approximately fifty years ago
Under the direction of president Harry Truman
And in the interest of maximum security
A group of twelve top military scientific personnel were established
This groups primary objective
Was to desensitize us to the truth
And to suppress the material evidence that our planet is being visited
By a group of extraterrestrial biological enemies called the grays
Tune in to channel zero (8X)
Yo sometimes the road to the truth is
So elusive its confusin
And reality becomes illusion
If I showed the masses where we was at or where we was goin
Id shout at the social palace of the world as we know it
Im talkin bout the grand deception
Of nineteen forty-seven
When our souls were sold to the heavens
For technologically advanced weapons
Crystal enhanced, brain implants and mind control methods
MJ-12 is not majestic
In the focal point of our promise on this planet is not domestic
You can accept it or be stupid and be a skeptic
Or fail to recognize the secret societys deathwish
Ninety-seven percent of our presidents were masons
Responsible for launderin trillions of dollars from the nation
For the construction of underground military installations
Abductions and coward mutilations
Experiments on human patients
Can take place in several subterrainean bases
A hundred and fifty stories below a basement
With knowledge of genetic information
You need to fear science not Satan
Cause through the manipulation of certain biological agents
They create strange creations
Top secret special operations
Low frequency sounds and lasers
People like call sayin they didnt believe in the drake equation
Were tryin to keep western civilization on the need-to-know basis
Well you need to know that this is a game
And we being betrayed and played in the worst way
Tune in to channel zero (8X)
Yo the holy scripts from Genesis 126
Says let us make man in our image under our likeness
First of all whos they?
You see if God was truly a single entity thats not what he would say
We as the L-Oheam
Gods and goddesses
Possess a marvelous remonsterous subconscience
Lifeforms that speak in very high pitched sounds and squeaks
Shorts likhado clicks and beeps
A highly advanced form of speech
Even though to us it seems like they only chatterin they teeth
They used to swim deep in the oceans beneath
Till they fins transformed into limbs and they started to creep
Then they evolved into mammals with feet
And walked right from the shorelines onto the beach
They used gravity
Cuz this actually the only force around
They could slow time and the speed of light down
The energy grid network
Open the gateway from earth
To any point in the universe
Livin organisms and various
Geomagnetic gravitational
Phoenomally areas
Space expedition teams in the lunar regions
Reported seeing dissapyramids and tetrahedrons
Liquid filled shoes, is what they used
To walk across the moon without leavin a clue
Of where they been for the past twenty three billion years
Before life on the surface even appeared
I hope you become aware what Im spittin in ya ear
Was intended to stimulate your left brains hemisphere
I know it sounds weird
All these mothafuckin answers to questions to the grand deception
Tune in to channel zero (16X

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    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
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  • Poet Laureate II
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    My problem is having too much.. and being unable to get it down...
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