Canibus - Chaos Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
Canibus Author
Song Title: Chaos
Visits: 852
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[Verse 1] *acapella*
Yo yo yo
Now ain't nobody fuckin wit the mastermind
I'm like Einstein, a hundred and fifty times magnified
Nickel and Teslin, Jon Von Neuman
All wrapped up in the body in one human
I rhyme the tightest, shine the brightest
I blind the optic fibers in anybody's iris
When it comes to rappin, I'll smash your ass
Whether you Latin, Black or Anglo-Saxon
I'll smack you wit a backhand
That crack your back like chiropractors after lookin at your catscan
In between albums, I've become a masked man like Batman
And stalk my own rap fans
I'm like a madman fightin a war
Throwin lightning rods, swingin lightning swords
Blow you away wit a force that'll leave your body lost
Gone, nothin to mourn, nothin to do a autopsy on
I rock till I can't rock no more
Till I can't get no mothafuckin props no more
Till they boo me on stage when I'm out on tour
Till 2000 B.C. ain't hot no more
I'm a dragon wit the head of a lion, jaws be like saws grindin
Claws rip through walls of cast iron
I slap fire outta hoodlum, pull out steel and start shootin
I clap iron like Duke Nukeum
Try to attack 'Bis, you get your face stomped
Flatter than a compact disc wit black Timbs
Flatter than a Yankee baseball cap rim
Flatter than the knife *Jigga* stabbed Un wit

If you the first nigga that laugh
I'll blow you in half
The first nigga to talk trash
I'ma blow you in half
The first nigga to show your ass
I'll blow you in half
The first time'll be your last
Cuz I'ma blow you in half

[Verse 2]
Yo check it *beat comes in*
I destroy your whole city block when I'm ready to rock
Blow the speaker box, magnetically shielded or not
Magnetically energy poppin gates of radio waves
Oscilate lyrics and beats copulate to pop your tape
Manipulatin space in large proportions
Millions of brain organs get lost when I start talkin
About shit like supernatural forces
Gnomes and theories and superstring theories
Most of you mothafuckers barely
Even understand the English language, much less think clearly
When I die, will I go to Heaven or Hell
Or will I end up in a place called the Van Allen Belt
I researched my roots, lookin for proof
The best place to hide a lie is between two truths
The aftermath of a nuclear blast
When the average death sentence becomes a dead paragraph
I dig a 5 by 9 rectangle in the grass
Reach your epitab and bury your ass
As the coffin gets lowered into the ground slowly
I'll sing all of your greatest hits, oldies on karaoke

Chorus 2x

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    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
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  • Poet Laureate II
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    My problem is having too much.. and being unable to get it down...
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