Canibus - Genabis Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
Canibus Author
Album: Rip The Jacker (2003)
Canibus - Rip The Jacker Album
Song Title: Genabis
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 1004
Print Version


This is Genabis, Remember this


In the beginning I discovered wordplay

I experimented with some syllables from the first to the third day

On the fourth I searched for the words to say

How to compress complex verbiage in the least amount of space

I was perfect at it and mastered the tactic's

On the fifth day I decided I would combine it with mathematics

On the sixth day I became a fanatic and I couldnt kick the habit

I would just look in the mirror and practice

On the seventh cycle, I had to take the day off

I was exhausted I guessed my work will never pay off

But if it happened it to him, it could happen to me

And if it happened to me, it was destined to be

[Chorus: repeat 2X]

Yo, Genabis, Exobus, Levitibus

There aint a mic on this planet I'm restricted to touch

I read the cosmo's but God wrote predicted as much

The inhabitants lack faith but resistance is tough


They backslide back to church and call a minister's bluff

They rather remain unenlightened then listen to Bus

I blew the fuck up, even though it was short and abrupt

I was the first rapper to ever to close orbit the sun

One small step for man, one huge step for mankind

...I am the red giant of rhymes

Solar deflectors, incinerate you whole in a second

Flow is untested those that I've threatened fold under pressure

At 120 Beta cycles, high volts ignite your eyeballs

Until you see the fire in front of you

Optic cone rods, melt one at a time till you realize you in hell

Rip the Jacker's not done with you

I terrorize the rap community with impunity

Blow you to pieces and move elusively thru the debris

What my enemies want to do to me is old news to me

Those that pursue to me will never get thru to me



First rapper to speak over beats dogmatically

Mixed with Elizabethian drama and tragedy

My motto is to dress casually and live lavishly

Look at the Victorian tapestry in back of me

Notice the post renaissance pictures I drew

Hand sketched drawings of the deserts in Nazca Peru

The followable audio propogates the possible truth

For proof I'm the illest so the choice is not unto you

See the standard ideological definition of a rap model

Its Canibus scholarly periodicals

The article is substantially impressive, more then a message

A working thesis from several different perspectives

The Rosetta stone of sentences

For rap music's tentative

Enter apprentices

This is Genabis

The Rosetta stone of sentences

For rap music's tentative

Enter apprentices

This is Genabis


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Other Canibus song Lyrics
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  • M-Sea-Cresy
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  • Spartibus
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  • Showtime At The Gallow
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    Yo, I dialogue wit Amen-Ra 'til he gives me the nod
    Or replaces me wit a supercomputer automaton..."
  • Psych Evaluation
    Some say the pen overpowers the sword
    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
    Appallin' footage of cops breakin' the law..."
  • Poet Laureate II
    "Uhh I dont understand how a writer could ever get writer's block, so called
    My problem is having too much.. and being unable to get it down...
    Yo, why is the ripper so ill?
    That would be a unpardonable breach of confidence for me to reveal!..."
  • 100 Bars
    "Yeah!!! That's the beat right there.
    I'm about to black out with 100 bars on some professional shit.
    So don't try this at home yo.
    Yo yo yo..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Rip The Jacker" album, click "Canibus Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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