Canibus - Live Uk Freestyle Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
Canibus Author
Song Title: Live Uk Freestyle
Visits: 908
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my mouth was mechanically mechanized
my verbal weapon fires
a whole clip of rhymes before you could get off one round
can-i-bus will bust ya
apply enough pressure to crush ya
i pulverize muthafuckas and leave trees
laid out like hurricane debris 15 mega tons of TNT
the overseas block busta
bustin up blocks like the tungusta meteorite that hit Russia
comin from an underground I've discovered
a ground underneath the ground of all underground bunkers
dedicated for lunkers??
deeper than the laborers conducting excavation of the matrix
living in uninhabitable places
craters of a desert like oasis
where the sydonia faces as barren as Las Vegas a
s barren as the wombs of women who use artificial insemination
as barren as Utah's salt lake city basin
as barren as ancient Egypt before irrigation
a five star chef makin mouth watering creations
with blood stains on my apron
i put the heads of wack emcees in my oven and bake 'em
dip garlic bread sticks in their eye sockets and taste 'em
its not really that odd
when you consider part of the Asian culture loves to eat dog,
feline cats with their claws, paws and all
Caucasians eat frogs
African Americans eat the hog
Hindus bow to the floor and worship cows and rats as gods
but i raised the arts spit rhymes towards mars
and beyond to the nearest binary star
my metaphors be killing you harshly instead of softly
girls offer me ass to autograph their glossies
niggas want to know how much it would cost to get on a song with me
5,000 pounds and a pack of smarties
I'll be at the studio in a heart beat
call 2-7-9 and 2-7-9 will call me
if its all peace I'm there
but if it ain't don't bother holdin' your b

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    Rip The Jacker
    Yo, I dialogue wit Amen-Ra 'til he gives me the nod
    Or replaces me wit a supercomputer automaton..."
  • Psych Evaluation
    Some say the pen overpowers the sword
    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
    Appallin' footage of cops breakin' the law..."
  • Poet Laureate II
    "Uhh I dont understand how a writer could ever get writer's block, so called
    My problem is having too much.. and being unable to get it down...
    Yo, why is the ripper so ill?
    That would be a unpardonable breach of confidence for me to reveal!..."

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