Canibus - Niggonometry Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
Canibus Author
Song Title: Niggonometry
Visits: 816
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N-N-N-... etc.


N-I-G-G-A-nometry x3
(Nigganometry, Nigga-na-na-nometry)
repeat all x2

Verse One

Now if a bitch sucks yo dick, for $5 per square inch
And gets $40, including a $5 tip
How big was the dick she just sucked? (say what?)
Said how big was the dick she just sucked? (wha...?)
If you a nigga with a watch
This iced style with enough rocks
To make the hottest room temperature drop
How long will it take for you to get robbed? (say what?)
How long will it be before you get robbed? (wha...?)
Now if your song played on the radio for the first time
Four days ago, now the shit is rotational
Who got paid off to play it? (I ain't scared to say it)
Said who the fuck got paid off to play it?
(I ain't scared to say shit)
If you sign a recording deal for less than a $250,000
And your advance is a $100,000 automobile
I know the vehicle was probably beautiful
But did you ask your lawyer if it was recuperable?
It's nigganometry...


Verse Two

You had 5 shots of coke and vodka
Then you convinced your designated driver to
Smoke a pound of marijuana
How the hell you gonna get home?
Said how the fuck you gonna drive yourself home?
You gotta mansion, a benz, a bentley and a range
And ain't none of that shit in your government name
What pieces of property do you own? (you don't own nothin')
Said what pieces of property do you really own?
(you don't own a goddamn thing, nigga)
Now if you take a glass of water then add 2 cubes of ice
You should see the cup's water level slightly rise, right?
You need to watch what I'mma show you (watch this)
You need to look closely at what I'mma show you
(listen to this right here)
If you remove every living animal out of the sea
Then wouldn't the world's ocean water level decrease?
This means the planet wasn't 3-quarters water (that was deep)
This means the planet wasn't 3-quarters water (that shit was deep)
It's nigganomerty...

Hey, I've been sitting here trying to think of what we can do
With this here letter 'L'...
F-U-C-K L.L.

(music outro

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    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
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    My problem is having too much.. and being unable to get it down...
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