Canibus - Patriots Remix Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
Canibus Author
Song Title: Patriots Remix
Visits: 898
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I go to war

I keep it raw

I go hard

I go to war

I spar

I keep it raw

I go hard


I make your weak crew release stool

I put a pistol in your mouth and pull

Then I feed you to the pitbulls

Don't even talk about guns

Cuz the only 9 you got is a 5 dollar bill and 4 ones

So I don't really care what y'all hype-o-holics say

Because anything that can't penetrate ricochets

Rhyming with me on the record?

You might as well had died and went to hell instead of heaven

Cuz my rhyme weapon is like a medieval torture method

Your four limbs tied to four horses all pulling in different directions

In this profession I get busy without a question

Seeing me is like seeing a vampires reflection

Fast or slow flows connect like electrodes

I make cassette tape decks blow when I'm in wreck-mode

Explode leavin areas abandoned

with more radiation behind than spots UFO's landed in


I go to war.... with the best of them

I spar....... with the best of them

I keep it raw.... with the best of them

I go hard.... with the best of them

I go to war.... with the best of them

I spar....... with the best of them

I keep it raw.... with the best of them

I go hard.... with the best of them

I go to war.... with the best of them

I spar.... with the best of them

I keep it raw.... with the best of them

I go hard.... with the best of them

I go to war.... with the best of them

I spar....... with the best of them

I keep it raw.... with the best of them

I go hard


Can I bust, I bust off before the coin toss

Then I rip your loin cloth off

Look how small your genitals are

You got a Napolean complex

Barber shop gossip

Says you used to grab ya ankels in jail for all the convicts

Lap dancing quadraceps

As fruity as a pina colada

On a tropical island in the Bahamas

Trying to win a bikini contest

Them skeletons in ya closet got flesh on them and they smell rotten

Trying to battle is like standing on a launch pad

In Cape Canaveral with me in the astronaut capsule

Ready to blast you on a journey to space

Ready to turn your whole face into sirloin steak

Comparable to questions the bible

How is it possible that the model ship

Fit on incircumscriptible

A congo in this concrete jungle

Pull out your tonsils

And stomp you into the earth like fossils


I go to war.... with the best of them

I spar....... with the best of them

I keep it raw.... with the best of them

I go hard.... with the best of them

I go to war.... with the best of them

I spar....... with the best of them

I keep it raw.... with the best of them

I go hard.... with the best of them

I go to war.... with the best of them

I spar.... with the best of them

I keep it raw.... with the best of them

I go hard.... with the best of them

I go to war.... with the best of them

I spar....... with the best of them

I keep it raw.... with the best of them

I go hard


I'm the meanest master of the ceremony on this whole team

And I can kill anything if it bleeds or breathes

Callin all frontline infantry forces on a mission

I got a Howitzer bigger than any Four-Fifth is

Rapping is a raw business

But as an individual I'm as different as anybody's finger print is

If boring is the norm I'm the antonym

Put me in the category you would put Marilyn Manson in

Buggin like a satanic evangelist

Jogging butt naked down Susnet Blvd in Los Angeles

Every MC in your crew would get ruined or wounded

You talk the bullshit and be too scared to do shit

I'm the type of cat that would prove it

Produce shit

Spent so much time in the studio i had to move in

A soldier who practices West Indian obia

I can drink the poison from a king cobra

Cause long after y'all are dead and gone

I survive the nuclear holocaust like a roach arthropod

Is it all soldier

Sir, yes sir!

Is there anything you need

Sir, no sir!

Report back to me before the briefing, at ease!

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    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
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