Canibus - Poet Laureate Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
Canibus Author
Song Title: Poet Laureate
Visits: 920
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Yo, Houston to Earth
Watch the ripper crucify you with verse
My urethra to ya uvula, quenches your thirst
Put your flames out with dry desert dirt where leopards lurk
Lock your soul down with an esoteric weapon search
Strap a bomb to one of your labels record clerks
And activate it as soon as they get to work
Ring the alarm, red alert, nigga it gets worse
Bypass security networks with select words
Megahertz make nebulas reverse till your head burst
Call the press first and ask them who got the best verse
Give me the respect I deserve
If you are what you eat, it's obvious I can't eat what I'm worth
Yall niggas eat pussy and burp
The other half of yall suck dick till your jaws and ya neck hurt
When you address me nigga end your sentence with sir
Critics went beszerk they aint even heard my best work
See I broke into the mind by
Quietly goin by their eardrum walls and hotwired they skulls
Yeah I earned the name Canibus, but what did it cost?
Battle rappers nothing but a serendipitous whore
Niggas probably like, what da fuck he dissin him for?
Yeah he dissed me first but you was never informed
I'm one of the top five nigga, my shit is tight nigga
you heard it right nigga, I rock mics nigga
But the limelight isn't where I belong
The top four don't even look in the mirror no more
If they did I'd be in the mirror looking back at em, ready to grab them
Kidnap them, and put them on my album
I rip jackers, Rip the time space fabric
Loop the future with the past tense looking for patterns
Eradicate Africans that sold Africans to Saxons
and forced black men to pay taxes
Attack a wack bitch with counter tactics
Split your bullet proof chases in half with a rapid gatling
Keep firing at cha till you trappe

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Other Canibus song Lyrics
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  • Stupid Producers
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    Yeah I hear what you sayin, but are they flames?
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  • Genabis
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  • M-Sea-Cresy
    ""Those who create literature know first-hand
    just how difficult creating meaning can be..
    ..There are no options now..
    ...If I weren't a writer, I think I'd be a total psychological mess"..."
  • Spartibus
    Yeah, This is Spartibus
    Yo, yo, yo
    You wanna spar wit 'bus..."
  • Showtime At The Gallow
    "This is Showtime at the Gallows
    Rip The Jacker
    Yo, I dialogue wit Amen-Ra 'til he gives me the nod
    Or replaces me wit a supercomputer automaton..."
  • Psych Evaluation
    Some say the pen overpowers the sword
    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
    Appallin' footage of cops breakin' the law..."
  • Poet Laureate II
    "Uhh I dont understand how a writer could ever get writer's block, so called
    My problem is having too much.. and being unable to get it down...
    Yo, why is the ripper so ill?
    That would be a unpardonable breach of confidence for me to reveal!..."

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