Canibus - Showtime At The Gallow Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
Canibus Author
Album: Rip The Jacker (2003)
Canibus - Rip The Jacker Album
Song Title: Showtime At The Gallow
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 1017
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This is Showtime at the Gallows

Rip The Jacker

Yo, I dialogue wit Amen-Ra 'til he gives me the nod

Or replaces me wit a supercomputer automaton

I don't barter for time I'm a martyr to rhymes

And a selfish soldier wit pride that was ordered to die

A burnin' star in the sky my heart is warped wit a drive

Expressin' thoughts through a rhyme my metaphors are alive

It's like I've been crucified they hate me now like Nas

They punctured me through my side the bleeding was cauterized

I was revived after I died

Only then I saw how I was truly admired and worshipped like a god

Shit'd mired up my mind they showed me a sign

I fell off the ocean liner someone throw me a line

Let the world know the truth but it became my demise

Mothafucka you know we even I don't owe you a dime

Sometimes I feel like killin' myself they've stolen my shine

I wanted to be the illest for a moment in time

From the ink to my pen to my pad to the ink in my arm

How can one diss song possibly last this long?

Tyson ain't the champ no more them days is gone

And Rip the Jacker ain't too stubborn to say when he's wrong


I should get twenty dollars and go to Econolodge

And tie the sawed-off trigger around the doorknob

Call the police squad and tell them I'm in room one oh five

And that a dirty bomb's inside

Woke up in the cargo plane playin' Christy Lane

For some entertainment while I train in the misty rain

"One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus" is playin'

I'm sittin' there prayin' you prolly can't believe what I'm sayin'

But the voice in the back of my head keeps sayin' "Germaine

This is the real deal man this is not a dream this is not a game

The only sixteen you got from now on is locked

and loaded and in your hand

Deploy or detach on land you the man

And the pain is the weakness leavin' the body, understand?

I can reload wit a full pack call COMSAT

Tell them you need suppressive fire for troops in the back stat

Insurgence and counter-insurgence move wit a purpose

Absolutely mission critical you never get nervous

Applicate the shock tube to the surface

Standby blow it eyes open wit the scope on the terrorist

Tell him to go to hell in Arabic put a bullet through his narrow neck

Watch the wall behind him get wet

I'm an animal I'll murder you and stare at your pets

Get the tape I know where the surveillance cameras is kept


If you want a confession? you got it

You want product? Gimme twenty dollars

You want gossip? I'll give you logic on any topic

Recordin' the positive data

Ripper's the best rapper go confirm the status

One million page dissertation written on paper

Cheap label from Pitney Bowes' tree curator

My purification process is greater

But thinly tapered verbatim

My album is equal to over fifty acres

Can-I-Bus before the Big Bang

And after the big crunch I only gotta say it once

Let there be light and I write a sentence

The greatest discovery since 'opethicus afarensis

Back to before Sumerians landed on the Cayman

In the Caribbean carryin' bacteria with antigens

And Nine-foot stone mannequins

The key to nuclear power and four delivered talaria

Showtime at the gallow the Age of Aquarius

And Space Harrier's life's last barrier


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