Canibus - Spartibus Lyrics

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Artist: Canibus
Canibus Author
Album: Rip The Jacker (2003)
Canibus - Rip The Jacker Album
Song Title: Spartibus
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 981
Print Version



Yeah, This is Spartibus

Yo, yo, yo

You wanna spar wit 'bus

Then let's get started 'cuz

Atomic thrusts turn you into cosmic dust

Bomb ya borders with Japanese Spigot mortars

Recompose your composition to sawdust

Time is breath; breath is life; life is light

Light is no less than capital 'C' on the mic

Beneath the mirage of night I'll attack you twice

Prepare to rig a sacrifice with my ritual rights

Reinforce my habitual likes 'n dislikes

Then diss you on the mic cause I'm sick o' the hype

No one's ever written what I write

Compare they calligraphy type

Tell me yo how can I not be nice

The royal semen of Caesar frozen in a cryofreezer

On sale for seven figures per milliliter

Lethally illegal; I speak to the people

In the form of an eagle on top of the Theves Cathedral

With boundless knowledge, like hairless dalai'lamas

With linen garments neatly wrapped around armpits

With monasteries in the mountains

Trumpets have already sounded

You can't denounce my crown bitch

*Rakim samples from Paid in Full's "My Melody"*

Any MC that disagree with me just wave your arm (4x)

Now tear it up y'all, and bless the mic for the gods


This game is Chinese chess

Countless issues need to be addressed

Before the East nukes the West

Totalitarianistic cause-'n-effect

"Run the words through a decompressor, recompress the depth"

Canibus is the most explosive next to meth?

The inconsistency of the text, makes me complex

Pay attention to 'bis my intention is this

Leave you spacially adrift suspended in the abyss

But I'm a white plant owner, smell my aroma

Contract ? carcinoma and retinoblastoma?

Confederate veteran general the electric general

FCC omnidirectional antenna poles

IFF, identification friend or foe

This areas restricted don't let 'em thru

He'll mock your style, rock you to the ground

With the bite force of a ? crocodile

Travel a fiber optic mile before you can smile

So don't ask me why, and don't ask how

*Rakim samples from Paid in Full's "My Melody"*

Any MC that disagree with me just wave your arm (2x)

Now tear it up y'all, and bless the mic for the gods


Until I'm impressed with the print

I can hear a pin drop like Sprint

Once it blends I can stop right then

Quantum coupling mechanisms and technical shit

Confuses you but I don't think your any less of a dick

Just define what is poetry and what is rap

I demonstrate how to effectively +Bridge the Gap+

The answer is simple in fact

If the protons don't attack the retina

All we'd ever see is black

No ability, no extraocular motility

Silly emcees can't see me lyrically or visually

They'll never be better than me

I'll triple team 'em with a trinity severed to 3

And give 'em 9 enemies

Climb back to periscope depth in 2 hours

Surrender and throw in the towel

The amalgam of the ultimate album

This is +Spartibus+ power (echoes)

*Rakim samples from Paid in Full's "My Melody"*

Any MC that disagree with me just wave your arm (4x)

Now tear it up y'all, and bless the mic for the gods

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    The video camera is just as powerful when it records
    Appallin' footage of cops breakin' the law..."
  • Poet Laureate II
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    My problem is having too much.. and being unable to get it down...
    Yo, why is the ripper so ill?
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  • 100 Bars
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    Yo yo yo..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Rip The Jacker" album, click "Canibus Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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